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Everything posted by dev

  1. its one thing having a hard dog but if he is not game, then hes useless, hard dogs that go in and slap into the stuff and hold on untill they are sick of the pain are just plain crap, simple as that, its not the diggers fault that he didnt get to him in time . dogs that work like that are not game. if you always need to take them to shallow earths to dig them quickly because your afraid they are going to walk off then its time to look for different blood. lots of people dont like hard dogs but hard ones that have impressed me are the ones that do the job, stick the pain and stay untill the j
  2. sounds a bit of a mess but yous got the result, hope the young dogs improve
  3. did yous really need to kill all of those??????????????????????????????????
  4. the dog worked ok but not to a high enough standard, and as you say jrt's are different. he got a fair chance but didnt turn out as i wanted/expected, some you win and some you lose
  5. i forgot about this thread!! nice pup there mate!!
  6. if kris had put a pic of the same dog before he was stripped with a big wooly coat covered in muck from a dig everyone would be saying, oh nice laike mate, well done!!! LOL
  7. thats one of the best looking terriers ive ever seen, why is every one slating him, the man says he has dug the dog many times so we have to take him at his word, fair play kris
  8. AFT, i hope you dont think that i think im a so called super terrier man bla bla bla, im far from it, just an average guy like yourself with average dogs,i just read your post as you wrote it, and it implyed that both terriers were used, thats all, i just gave my opinion thats all
  9. he said in his post they dug his mates TERRIERS!!!! not TERRIER
  10. yes i noticed that too, why do you double up terriers, if a terrier need another one with him/her to work a fox they need shot
  11. great stuff, good dig and nice terrier you have mate
  12. good book, i finished it today, well done
  13. well done mate, looks a good fox, good pics
  14. can i ask you why you changed from the b&f?? we have been using it for a couple of seasons now
  15. were you using a b&f before you got the ortovox?
  16. fuk there is some shite on this forum!!
  17. in my experiance (im no expert by the way) 6+ hr digs are rare, the vast magority of digs are over under the 1hr mark, 2 and 3 hr digs are common but anything over 3 is unusal around my neck of the woods . and if we didnt breed from a terrier untill it proved itself on 6 hr digs then we would never have a litter then you should never have a litter?and then my friend we may have decent animals, worthy of calling terriers. every aspect of these animals should be tested, i shall now sign of as im agitated ,thanks. your not agitated your a tosser
  18. in my experiance (im no expert by the way) 6+ hr digs are rare, the vast magority of digs are over under the 1hr mark, 2 and 3 hr digs are common but anything over 3 is unusal around my neck of the woods . and if we didnt breed from a terrier untill it proved itself on 6 hr digs then we would never have a litter
  19. good stuff, real nice terrier there mate
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