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Everything posted by dev

  1. you must not have read my reply, this is an old post both dogs are no longer with us, one was no good the other not good enough
  2. its impossiable to tell but id guess a small litter as she doesnt look big, my bitch had 9 but she was huge could hardly waddle along at the end
  3. when is she due? she dont look ready to drop to me
  4. this is an old thread lads, i dont have either dog now, the black pup was no good and the russell just didnt suit
  5. what like, a pot of gold?? A man from Tipperary found the skeletal remains of an adult and two childern while digging during the week. Nice find :sick: i heard that, were they ancient bones??
  6. i always feed my dogs the night before a days work, they need energy in their body to do the work we expect off them IMO, they are fed about 12 hours or more before they are worked so i cant see how they could get cramp. i cant see the benifit of starving a dog the day before working them. it just doesnt add up to me
  7. had a 5m dig pics on here somewhere on a previous thread
  8. Not said to cause offence, but the request was "anyone have photos of working wire fox terrier?? " Not has anyone photos of 100% wire fox terrier digging dogs. also not said to cause offence, i was asking out of curiousity thats all, not ment to ruffle anyones feathers
  9. are any of the above genuine single handed digging dogs?? ive heard of fox terriers working in europe but not single handed ones?
  10. cheers guys, i always thought that it was b but was never 100% sure
  11. yea he is about 15 or 16 inch, ive not measured him in a while, hes 14 months now so stopped growing
  12. fantastic you got one back dude, just hopefully you will have some more luck and get the rest or at least a few more back
  13. hi folks, bit of a silly question perhaps , but what point do you guys measure to when you say tts?? a or b or neither??
  14. do you not expect your bitches to work like your dogs?? a working terrier is a working terrier i expect bitches to do the same job as dogs.
  15. NO please dont tell me mine below is not a patterdale, he is the smooth coated one in the first pic, the other 2 are my friends. he looks alike a patterdale to me mate, so i wouldnt worry if i were you. as long as he works for you it wont matter what he is
  16. i wouldnt call the ugly one with the pointy ears and the curly tail a patterdale. just a black crossbred terrier
  17. i have 2 litter sisters that are 14months old, neither has had their first season yet
  18. we dug 4 adult dog foxes in an earth about 5 years ago
  19. rodsmith, do yourself a favour, delete your post
  20. i just looked at the date of the post, its 3 years old, i wonder did the dog ever make it??????
  21. .sooty, i did change my phone, i will pm you my number, i sent you a text yesterday from it. brummybullman ,he is only 8 months, too young yet, he is big enough but not mature enough, he wont see anything untill the end of the season, when he is @13/14 months.
  22. good man steve, hows things dude? aye the pup is getting big, he is 15 in and probably about 25 pound
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