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Everything posted by dev

  1. Not everyone gets blanks. If you only get 13 digs a season your not getting out enough or you haven't got much ground to hunt.
  2. Didn't know it was on neil, probably would have went and took the child with me for the day out. Haven't been in contact with the lads since the boxing night
  3. Agree with neil here . 26 weekends in the season plus throw in an extra few days round the christmass holidays. 3 digs a week is normal for us so the tally dosent be long adding up. Bolts don't count. 100 digs isn't that hard to get when ya have enough ground and dogs to work
  4. Cheers moorman1 I was gonna give them a bell alright
  5. I bought bellman ones a few months ago. The brass buttons have popped on 2 of the collars already and the season hasn't even started so they haven't got much use. To be honest they seemed very good quality but I've been dissapointed with them
  6. Goldfinch last season we had 93 digs. Some were young dogs just starting so they only got a few digs each. With the older dogs getting a few more, than ten digs but 10 is about the average alright
  7. we have 10 between me and my digging partner.
  8. personally i like to give them about 1 dig a month in their first season.some might start in september and end the season with 6 or 7 digs but i have a young dog here now who only started at christmass and only had 3 digs. there are not hard and fast rules. i dont agree with digging a hard pup too often in his first season to "make him bark" io think you more likely to make him quite.
  9. yes i use both, but peroxide should only be used if the wounds go stinky, tell your mate to cut his finger and then pour bleach on it and see how he likes it , after all its only bleach diluted bleach is the best for cleaning wounds.you only need a small ammount IT DOESNT STING THE DOG. i have washed my own cuts in the same soloution as i use for them. it works a treat
  10. there is no need to try and train him.when he is ready he will go. i never seen a terrier that didnt travel an earth when it was ready. finding and staying is the hard bit for them. just give him the opertunity when he is old enough and he will go.good luck
  11. deepest dig i had was 5m on the b&f so about 15 or 16ft. had a 0.3 last tuesday
  12. my bitch had 10 in her first litter and 9 in her second
  13. why run a 15 week old throw an earth??? and why work a 12month old terrier with another dog? work one dog at a time mate, if he's ready and he has it in him then he wont need any help.
  14. this is an interesting thread. i have seen young dogs who find ok but after a bit of a battle,when the quarry has managed to get away from the dog, the keen youngster starts charging about the earth like a steam train not taking time to use his nose hoping to bump into his foe but fails .sometimes it just take's a bit of time and experiance to get him to use his head and nose properly.but other time's it's simply because he doesn't want to find again.
  15. my smallest bitch 14 inch and my tallest dog is 16inch
  16. blacknight thats a fine looking young terrier. my type of dog
  17. not been online for a while but i see things havent changed much!!! lol
  18. i think there might be a bit too much bull in this fella??? what you think?
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