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About spiderpig

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter
  • Birthday December 25

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    igglepiggle rules
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    super ted is so yesterday

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    button moon
  • Interests
    i have emigrated and no longer reside in the uk but do travel occsionally to hunt for blue smarties!!!!!!!!!!!!!my other interests are little tight bottoms (girls not like darcy)and small boobs

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  1. No Chris she's out of the 2009 litter when you used another wheaten greyhound over your wheaten bitch I think it was a Chris hickling bred dog, shes identical to your bitch but with more of a rough coat 22 to the shoulder she looks like a first x.glad she has been a good one for you
  2. Black dog is billy.litter brother to Stan and son of r billy
  3. Really!! Any chance of a picture? Will be out of these 2 I guess
  4. No mate.he died last spring.was 22.gutted I never found a bitch that suited him as was a game old sod..black dog in picture is knocking on now..10 or 11 ish and Wheaton will be 8/9
  5. nit been on for a long time..quick hello..quick picture of my 2 old rabbiting dogs and a pup ive kept back out of the litter..ended up keeping a small dog also as its a bit of a runt..
  6. Oh he is red round his mouth as had just eaten a rabbit that was humanely shot with a 11.5ftlbs air gun.
  7. I have stans litter brother.he is one if the best dogs I've ever had and probably never replicated
  8. Won't use this year.make them long with 2 beds and horse shoe shape if possible.put block in the bed so a dog has to go round it to go through,this also helps with the wind.dig the entrances down so wind won't be a problem,cement all joints to stop rabbits ruining them.make bed a 3ft slab then a block and a brick high then slab on top,plenty plastic bags as well to stop damp,1/4 fill tubes with soil and you never know the might get used depends how cautious the foxes are.
  9. Start them when they want to start,will only gain them experience and education.let the dog do what it wants.and it will only get better.my old dog here started at 7 months just easy stuff and had 22 to 12 months old.i used to get rid if not going by 12 but all the line was early stuff,saying that I gave away a few that turned into good ones but it was just how I was. Let the dog do what he is bred to do when he wants to do it,otherwise by the time he is 18 months and you enter him he won't have any education on what's gona happen and will end up laid up for a cpl weeks of jack..just my opinio
  10. And by not taken to him I mean just that,I'm a funny f****r at the best of times and sometimes I just don't take to a dog....it's that simple really.
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