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Everything posted by runningdog

  1. buzzards and beautiful in the same sentence??
  2. i only let my mrs hold mine, with a firm grip she shakes it vigioursly.. f****n ferrets
  3. join the ngo mate, go on there job register? were are you willing to move too?
  4. hi looking for an ex track bitch, can you help. good home
  5. good luck finding them mate. id do there f*****g nee caps
  6. been after that for ages, how much you want for it mate?
  7. were in devon you too mate? liveing in cornwall at the mo, but comeing back to devon in febuary. got a lot of acreage. get back to me mate
  8. to be honest i couldent give a f**k what they do in there shitty country. but when they come over here demanding jobs, money, schools, houses, etc etc etc etc. that really fucks me off. kill em all
  9. check for any splits in the wires, had it a wile back. pain in the ass
  10. hi all, just joined the site. looks good so far. anyway f**k the ban and bollocks to mr brown
  11. new pup fell/ patterdale
  12. great lamps mate, rewire it as soon as you get it tho. solder is piss poor
  13. yeah damm [bANNED TEXT] they do shot one last month balls chopped and purple spray on the wound
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