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Everything posted by Goly

  1. No bother for a coursing bred.
  2. Not many out this time of year on the washing line.
  3. You'd be definitely wary putting the bins out wouldn't you, I'd have at least 10 guard dogs on the loose.
  4. It's the leopards I feel for, hate those vids when they are in conflict with man.
  5. There used to be tigers as well, the Caspian subspecies.
  6. Great post and agree, but, I'd like to give Farage the benefit of the doubt and at least see if he would attempt to get us out of this mess.
  7. Not much work Ray, although this is a Jaguar, funny as it is clearly set up and I'm guessing it is supposed to be a Leopard. So, it looks as though they killed a dog and a Jaguar for the sake of a movie.
  8. Mass immigration of the poorest has certainly not helped matters but rough villages like mine have been in ruin without much immigration, poverty is the major culprit in my opinion.
  9. Goly

    Pet hates.

    Gillette factory?
  10. I agree with Charts, plenty have areas have been slowly degrading for decades, even areas with low immigration, mining villages & towns for instance. We are now at the lowest point yet but perhaps not as much to come.
  11. That's why they have such strong jaws, they crush the skull of their prey.
  12. Feck me lads, I'm self diagnosing here and I've got about 5 years before I pop it at this rate.
  13. Yeah, I've read that. Chronic reflux puts you more at risk of developing esophagus cancer, all that acid can't be good for your throat.
  14. Goly

    Plane safety.

    The plane came down at some serious speed, no landing gear down, no flaps down, it overshot the runway by a good 150yd before smashing in to the concrete wall.
  15. Goly

    Plane safety.

    "It's...... Charts!"
  16. I'm like that and you have over 20 year on me. I'm not the most sociable of people, don't get me wrong, when I'm out you'd think different but truth be told, I just don't like going out anymore. New Year's Eve we are going to our lasses mates, I'd sooner stay at home, I'm not arsed, but, you gotta keep em happy haven't you? Lol
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