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Everything posted by Goly

  1. 3 Weetabix and a bread roll for me today.
  2. Seen him in Cleethorpes a few years back with a biker gang, he's about 2ft tall and not even that massive, gimp, no wonder he was petrified of PC Dickhead.
  3. It happened with my lurcher when my old man took him out over Langsett when he was wall past his prime, with those hares it's like shooting fish in a barrel.
  4. Best thing to do if your dog is on to a hare and there's a tree hugger having a meltdown, just act up like the Fenton owner, go along with it, all hysterical like, they might believe you're as upset as them. Lol
  5. James Corden, the way he creeps around A-list celebrities makes my skin crawl. No mate, they're not your pal, they are going along with it through gritted teeth to plug something.
  6. Deffo a bug mate, just been throwing my ringer up, Merry Christmas pal.
  7. Honestly I look 9 months pregnant, I can't be sick though, I'm just feeling sick and burping, I think an alien is going to burst out at any second, this is gotta be some Chyna virus.
  8. Can't think of food without gipping, had a few starters and then tucked in to the main, I'd only had a few mouthfuls and the dreaded lurg hit me, stomach sounds like a washing machine and I'm bloated like a Biafran.
  9. Supping till one last night, on the nest while five past, up at six, and we are having dinner at ours today, mother & father invited, fantastic. Merry Christmas to you all, ready for mi dinner and then compulsory snooze on't sofa.
  10. Goly

    Pet hates.

    I hope they reversed back over him to make sure.....
  11. Yep, even with permission you have to chance your luck even with the best of preparation. There's always a pair of prying eyes somewhere near and that's all it can take to get into bother. You might get away with it first time around but after that yog won't have a leg to stand on.
  12. Goly

    Pet hates.

    I'm not surprised the standards are so poor, there's no official training for garbage men, they just pick it up as they go along......
  13. Goly

    Pet hates.

    No excuses for fly tipping but trying to book a house tip, you'd think you were dumping nuclear fecking waste FFS. Like Tats said, people now think feck that for a game of soldiers, bag it up and throw it in, so much for recycling.
  14. Goly

    Pet hates.

    There was no way I was going to pay £25 for a new one lol. Boiled my piss, bin full to the rafters just before Easter and they wouldn't take it, no, not having it, it was getting emptied one way or another, it was either the wagon or the council yard. Lol
  15. Goly

    Pet hates.

    What pisses people off is we are paying more than ever and costs are continuing to rise but we are getting less service for our money. I'm not being funny mate but leaving bins because the lids popping open a touch or something else is being a jobsworth, folk now just chuck everything in a black bin liner and to f**k with it. In my particular case it was one man being an arse, the man who was walking with him said he would have taken it but obviously didn't want to while he was there.
  16. Jess Willard beat an old Jack Johnson and Dempsey beat an old Willard, I think Johnson in his prime may have been able to tie Dempsey up and frustrate him something rotten. There's a cracking documentary on Johnson, he was a character alright.
  17. Goly

    Pet hates.

    Don't take it personally, I'm sure there's plenty of good bin men, I just haven't met any yet. Funny the defensiveness of workers, I'd be biting if you called all railway workers lazy c**ts.
  18. Goly

    Pet hates.

    Well yes, the jobsworth lazy twats wouldn't take the bin because of a bit of plastic in a blue bin that's full of plastic, even after I took the plastic out. When the bin landed in the back of the wagon I knew it was going back to the depot and I'd have to front the cost, so I jumped in to my work van to retrieve my bin but instead of going on to the next street, being the useless gits they are they must have used that as an excuse to sack the rest of the shift off, so they headed back to the depot and realised I was following them and they went through several set of red lights before they go
  19. Goly

    Pet hates.

    Perks of the job, they are despised worse than traffic wardens are bin men. Hahahaha
  20. Goly

    Pet hates.

    I didn't get shouty, I asked the jobsworth politely and he wasn't having it so I did the job he should have. You won't get any tips from me until you start doing your job properly, I know a bin lid slightly ajar is enough to upset any man but the public pay a lot of money for your services, must do better.
  21. Goly

    Pet hates.

    It was you wasn't it? I've got plenty of wrapping paper going in the bin, I want you here sharpish on Friday, forgive me if there's traces of plastic in there, I don't want you pulling your back emptying it. Well, I had a message off a police officer so they must have been petrified, all because I wanted my blue bin back. You just can't get the staff these days, rodney gits.
  22. Goly

    Pet hates.

    Tbf they looked like scolded little boys after a telling off from daddy. Can't believe they actually ran through several red lights, they have got to be the softest of all council workers.
  23. Goly

    Pet hates.

    I'm a good lad I am.
  24. Goly

    Pet hates.

    1. I always do, and one piece of plastic that wasn't even off us had theirs head about to explode, thinking outside the box isn't their forte, I took said plastic out but they wasn't having it. 2. Feck me, they have tried to refuse people's bins just because the lid is slightly ajar, they deserve criticism, our council tax bills are rising and they want to do less. I wouldn't pay the cnuts in washers. These must have been a gang of queers because after the bin went flying through the air and in to the back of the wagon they decided their round was done for the day, after I followed t
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