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Everything posted by Goly

  1. Goly

    Dry January

    Not bad guns mate, just not as impressive as mine. Lol
  2. It'll be something to do with WiFi, I bet if he switches his WiFi off he'll be able to log-in. I'm banned if I attempt to log-on through my WiFi but I can access when I use my phone network.
  3. What about the Glaswegian grooming gang? It's not a competition, we have a global paedophile problem that needs addressing. Members of Glasgow paedophile gang guilty of running 'monstrous' child sex abuse ring | UK News | Sky News https://search.app/1Xpi6aJtbeFGkED68
  4. It's endemic in every culture, it will never stop, anywhere. Remember the Cornish paedophile ring? Cornwall highlighted as calls made for 'rape gang' investigation - Cornwall Live WWW.CORNWALLLIVE.COM Elon Musk has even waded into the debate over horrific crimes including this Pagan paedophile ring that rocked...
  5. The issue is grooming/rape of which there was a racial element as it appears they were targeting white girls, but was this racially motivated or is it because it just so happened there was more vulnerable white girls in the area? Either way, convictions were made so it's not as black & white as it appears.
  6. That doesn't explain why Paki men were getting jailed for grooming in Rotherham starting in 2010. If they were all getting protected then why the convictions?
  7. The mods are out? I'm off for a few pints.
  8. Game changing news, Miller & Carter do takeaway's & even deliver.
  9. You should always pay for your kebabs mate. Lol
  10. Was that the case though, because men from the regions have been getting convicted for decades, or was it a case of these girls getting failed by people who ignored them due to their backgrounds and the complex lives they had? Many saw them them as troubled kids who were the author of their problems, many were arrested as prostitutes, drug dealers rather than treated as victims.
  11. The irony coming from a man that hasn't mentioned it until the Tories decided to stoke the flames recently! Where have you been these last few decades, you're just now jumping all over it because the Tories have attempted to stoke the flames in an attempt to attack Labour, it's clearly working. The Tories have approached this via a wrecking amendment, on a child wellbeing bill of any. They have done this in an attempt to force Labour to "reject" an enquiry, rather than a well meaning attempt to get justice for those poor girls. For the Tories this is just political ammunition.
  12. We still don’t know cause of grooming gangs, says scandal reporter WWW.THETIMES.COM Andrew Norfolk, The Times journalist who first revealed the abuse in 2011, says there needs to be proper...
  13. Hardly a new revelation is it, we have known about certain members of the police brushing it under the carpet for decades. Anyway, as for Labour blocking an investigation in to grooming gangs, that's not really the truth, a little research shows they have blocked an amendment to a child protection bill that would have made things much worse for our children. So, we could say the Tories are calling for our children to be put at risk in an attempt to score brownie points against Labour.
  14. Goly

    Dry January

    Just measured mine, around 17 inch. Hulk Hogan was off his tits on roids and in the gym every day, plus wrestlers exaggerate. Lol
  15. Yes, bandwagon, where have the calls for an enquiry been these last few decades? Again, we know how the police handled it, this is hardly a new revelation, SYP ought to be ashamed of themselves, so yes, an investigation is needed, which also includes members of these police forces! But don't try and pretend nothing was ever done, even SYP were making convictions decades ago. You are rearing points up that have been suspected and known for decades in these regions. Ok, so let's have an enquiry only for the establishment to come out smelling of roses, just like they did with Hillsborough, Grenfe
  16. Goly

    Dry January

    Prove it, we need to see the tape wrapped around that arm. Lol
  17. Yeh, would make me sick that first thing in the morning. This lurg has killed my appetite mind, hardly ate out in a week.
  18. That's it, people are now just jumping on the bandwagon to bash Labour. I suspect Oldham council haven't just all of a sudden started asking for an enquiry, so, where was the enquiry from the Tories? What are we missing that we don't already know? If it's still going on then it's not an enquiry we need, it's investigation by our police forces!
  19. These were jailed, justice was served, or am I missing something? Grooming gangs and paedophiles are still out there, that's why we need to strengthen our police force and improve our social care.
  20. So, you don't know if these other areas were affected by grooming gangs, I suppose it would be worth a look at past reports. I do know you haven't been very vocal on here, I presume Oldham council have been asking for a national enquiry longer than Labour have been in power? I'm not looking for a bite, I just think you must be a little naive if you are expecting a grand revelation, it as been known already for decades what was happening. Labour are a pile, but it seems this is just another stick to beat them with, again, where was the Tory national enquiry?
  21. So you're saying the other 44 areas have not had any investigations and are clear regions of child grooming gangs? As this only just recently come out in the light as I never saw you asking for enquiries when the Tories were in power? What would I suggest going forward? Strengthen our police forces, improve social care, stricter sentences, more transparency, etc. What would you say should be done?
  22. Meanwhile in the fashionable month of attacking Labour, some promising news perhaps? UK to introduce 'world first' sanctions regime to target people smugglers NEWS.SKY.COM The government said it would starve smuggling gangs of "illicit finance fuelling their operations", with Foreign...
  23. Your rubber doll collection running on fumes?
  24. As I mentioned in the post the other week, what is another enquiry going to achieve? Guess how many were brought the justice for Hillsborough, Grenfell, the infected blood scandal, Post Office scandal, etc, a grand total of one person.
  25. Goly

    The Bible.

    What puzzles me, why didn't we get any gospel from Jesus himself?
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