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Everything posted by Goly

  1. I used to love the tigers that Aspinall used to keep, they all looked huge and healthy specimens. I believe he had a huge Siberian Tiger called Balkash or something like that, a truly impressive animal, I think it went on to kill it's keeper.
  2. I thought they dope them over there? I have never like the look of their tigers, I wonder if they give them a good diet, they always seem look weedy with poor bone.
  3. The biggest of all cats.
  4. I think we need a title change to this thread and hush call it Big Cats, we can all at least agree on something. I don't think anybody is suggesting that there's never been any escapees over the years, some that may have been covered up.
  5. Questioning some of his claims isn't getting irate. He can crack on all he likes, if he's enjoying himself good for him. But to suggest that such bold claims shouldn't be questioned is ridiculous.
  6. Those middle images are AI mate. Lol
  7. I don't want to piss on your bonfire but there is no confirmed successful tiger/leopard hybrids, even in captivity. And if big cats are so slutty, then why don't pumas and jaguars mate in the wild despite living beside each other?
  8. You mean liger or tigon mate? A male lion and female tiger offspring is called a liger and a tigon the other way around. Ligers are much bigger than tigons.
  9. Yes mate, they used to be widespread across Africa and Southern Asia into India, all that's left now are in Iran and North & West Africa. Most now survive in sub-Saharan Africa. It was once of the most widespread of all mammals but their numbers have dropped by almost 90%.
  10. It's a shame humans are programmed to destroy. I can't believe that Victorian hunters of the day didn't have the sense to realise their hunting quotas weren't sustainable.
  11. I don't know mate, but it doesn't look good for them, it's probably a question of when they go extinct, not if. I think that's the case for most big cats if we are being honest.
  12. That footage of the cheetah racing the greyhounds might be of him then? Speaking of the cheetah, not many people realize that there is an Asiatic cheetah that is now critically endangered and limited to Iran?
  13. No mate, some lions coats do show off more their spotted markings more than others, it's the same with manes. Some male lions almost appear maneless, the Tsavo lions that killed all those railway workers are an example.
  14. Ah, the good old Panthera Britannia, bollocks!
  15. Don't you worry about my life popeye, it's just fine. You clearly have suffered from some sort of social blockage, hence you living a lie, that's why you have taken to that McGowan fella, the man that claimed an ice-cream van was an alien craft coming to beam us all up for sexual experimentations. You have the debating mindset of a teen, I mean I didn't even mention you and you have had a meltdown because I questioned the idea of wild leopards & pumas breeding here in the uk. Jaguars and pumas don't breed in the wild despite sharing the same range, makes you think doesn't it.
  16. Read that mate, as I pointed out, it's mostly unconfined accounts from the late 1800's and later, these hybrids are much more likely to be ocelot crosses but who knows for sure? Puma and leopard are not closely related, they are not even of the same genus.
  17. Who knows for sure mate, but it's a possibility, an ocelot is more closely related to a puma, they are much smaller, that stuffed animal looks much smaller than both leopard & puma? Size alone doesn't necessarily disprove it though, a tigon is generally smaller than either parent, unlike the liger.
  18. Funny story, around 17 years ago there was a scheme to get prisoners working on the railway when released. Our company at the time got on board and was training lads up on day release. We then went on a job to build some track in the Wolds prison near Hull. When we got to site and shown the area where we were going to lay the track we soon discovered that it was smack outside segregation. Loads of lads were in segregation because they had made their own homebrew and smashed the nick up. As you can imagine we were having plenty of banter with them, they could see us but we couldn't se
  19. Yep, and look at the fertility of mules. Greyman tried to convince people on here that puma/leopard hybrids are breeding populations of hybrid cats. The truth is, there is no 100% confirmed hybrid in captivity. A stuffed animal doesn't prove nothing, it's more likely that the stuffed cat that Mackem saw was a hybrid between a puma & ocelot, they are much closer genetically and that means more chance of a successful mating.
  20. You are clueless, the great big hunter that knows the existence of big cats yet you have shown us nothing, a pure dreamer, the old garden shitter has seen more wildlife than your mongrel lol. You have been rumbled mate, your meltdown shows you can't handle the scrutiny. So, now you have changed your tune about a breeding population of hybrids, so what is it now, a breeding population of leopard, and puma? Lol
  21. We don't even know for sure that even the puma/leopard hybrids are 100% genuine, we are going off reports that were made centuries & decades ago and a stuffed creature of what could be something else. As far as I know that's all we have. The leopard and puma were not considered to be closely related enough to have offspring. If it is in fact true, chances are their offspring would be sterile too.
  22. Goly


    Cheesy hash browns mate, they have ideal plaque removal properties, a must for a balanced & healthy diet.
  23. Do they learn the green cross code over here, where's all the road kills, not even one, come on, who you kidding? I'm out more than you ya sausage, I was working last night, walked 6 mile in the middle of nowhere, up and down the tracks, been doing that for decades working all over Britain, guess what, no big cats. The closest you could get to a big cat is going up Scotland and hoping to view a wild cat, which may not even be a true wild cat. Lol
  24. Also 40-90% of Scottish wildcats may not even be true wildcats, hybridisation has likely been taking place for 2000 years.
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