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Everything posted by Goly

  1. Goly

    The Bible.

    You have some cheek you hahahaha, you get exposed as being wrong and then you move on to the next gotcha moment and rince & repeat. Typical, exposed and then it's time for a walk or football coaching. Lol
  2. Goly


    I've kept tabs before, haven't done so in ages, and to be honest I haven't been to the gym in months, still a natural machine mind.
  3. Goly

    The Bible.

    You're impossible or you must taking the piss mate? The sooner you snap out of this and accept that the bible is wrong here the better. Lol
  4. Goly

    The Bible.

    Well, carbon dating proves the earth is much older than the bible states, carbon dating is accurate within that time frame, the bible is wrong, so, if it is wrong about the age of the earth what does that tell us?
  5. Goly

    The Bible.

    You must be on a wind up, you started blabbering about how carbon dating isn't accurate and when proven wrong you move on to potassium-argon dating and then you try and deny it, you're a diamond mate. Lol
  6. Goly

    The Bible.

    Why have you moved the goalposts yet again Francie, you do this all the time when you are shown to be wrong? Lol As for your examples, potassium-argon dating is not suitable for dating rocks only decades because it measures the decay of potassium over millions of years, it's a method designed for really ancient samples.
  7. Goly

    The Bible.

    Radio carbon dating is accurate to around 60,000 years because after that the traces of carbon are so small their radiation is swamped out by background radiation.
  8. Goly


    That's where they ended up.
  9. Goly

    The Bible.

    Yes it is accurate, tried & tested, explain why it isn't accurate?
  10. Goly

    The Bible.

    Carbon dating is accurate to about 50,000-60,000 years, it has been measured & tested thoroughly. You're up to your old tricks again moving the goalposts. Radiometric dating methods used in your example is not carbon dating, it uses potassium-argon dating, close mate but no cigar.
  11. Goly

    The Bible.

    Carbon dating is accurate much further back than the beginning of the earth according to the bible ya gret perv.. lol
  12. Goly


    Better to make your own and put them in plastic tupperware instead?
  13. Goly

    The Bible.

    So, none then? Lol
  14. Goly


    Ripped to the bone.
  15. Goly

    The Bible.

    It isn't though is it, which scientists claim the continents were formed in a few thousand year?
  16. Goly

    The Bible.

    Just because it sounds good, doesn't mean it's true or backed by solid evidence. If you want to believe the continents were formed in a couple of thousand years go ahead. Lol
  17. He gets sentenced on Thursday and the judge told him to expect to never get out, let's hope they keep their word.
  18. Plenty of carbs on there mate, be careful.
  19. That yours lad back in the day?
  20. My uncles lived to about that age and was digging up to 12, it was a little cranky c**t. Lol
  21. Goly


    Better off getting the original.
  22. You booked your angiogram?
  23. Cheeky c**t, Bangers will be having words.
  24. Yeah they look nice them black & tans when they are shaped like yours, what are they like compared to yours, more up and at em and less in the tank?
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