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Everything posted by CAcountry_boy

  1. Them Spanish guys can send him right on over here to me. I'd be glad to rescue him . Just what I have been told would be the ticket for Jacks in the desert
  2. Since I know no one here would ever think about violating the ban, please let your friends who do, know that I said to be careful, and stick to the land owners you (I mean they...) trust the most. And tell them I wish them all the luck.
  3. then...thats it...nowhere is safe
  4. Congratulations dude!!! :clapper: I have two little ones. nothing better!
  5. Nice pup. you said this is the brother in the pic right?
  6. i applaud your flexibility and all, but I think you are making a mountain out of a moll hill here. just bring a stick to prevent you getting too close to the canine bully and hence possibly bit. When the "evil" dog goes on the attack and starts to charge you verbally warn it and raise the stick, chances are the dog will head for home before you are forced to defend your dog and yourself. Worst case, you will have to give it a couple of whacks to get the point across (do not hit it too hard, its only a Terrier remember, not a Tiger). From then on, you will most likely not have any problems
  7. awesome, i have seen the mongolian short bows before and i know its very hard to balance and shoot on a horse i would love to learn to do that sometime, keep it up! Thanks There are some folks into the martial Art in your country. Check out the book "Horseback Archery" By Lajos Kassai. He is the one who is largely responsible for bringing the Martial Art back into the 20th century..
  8. I love Archery too. I use a Mongolian style bow these days, and i shoot from horseback. Its been tons of fun, and keeps the ponies in good shape to boot.
  9. You remind me of me (back when i was young and cool)and I promise to remind Ghengis to remember when he was young and to go easy on ya... cuz this has been damn entertaining, and no harm no foul, right? Oh, and i cannot delete anything for ya, in fact I can barely send my pals pics using this damn machine sorry.
  10. Xina, Hera, or Lilith if she is gonna be a working dog. if she is gonna be a pet...candy or peanut, or Tar Baby.
  11. Ah, where i live there are loose dogs galore. The mangy things are everywhere. so I take a good stout hardwood "Walking Stick" and bash any dog that gets close enough, even if the owner is outside. if his loose dog attacks me or my dog, he is gonna watch it get it's a** kicked! and when he makes a fuss i just tell em "You keep your mother dog on your property or next time, after i kick its a** Ill call Animal Control and have your little public nuisance hauled off..." dude don't take that crap! you deserve to be able to walk down the street with your dog just as much as that guy deserv
  12. Spike. or Duke. or.... how bout King!
  13. I'm Droolin bigtime Bro, nice dogs.
  14. I just knew by reading the title of the thread, that this one was going to be entertaining as hell. I have not been disapointed:clapper: Please continue while I and another one!
  15. She looks mighty sweet What did she weigh when you brought her home?
  16. I plan on a little cozy cabin on the north west coast of the ol' US with at least five acres of good usable land for a barn and pasture, plus a good arena and round pen, some room for a couple mews, some outbuildings (wood shed, workshop, ect) and a garden for the misses. We plan on raising all our own meat like I used to back in high school, and the garden will supply most of our veggies...Ahh it will be grand...
  17. Falconry is one of life's greatest pleasures. But bro, I cannot stress enough the importance of finding other Falconers for help/advice when starting out. Trust me. So stalk some local guys and enjoy!
  18. the initial flip through was not bad... will look at it harder tomorrow or so.
  19. Shot, looks like you need to :drink: then get back to us. (I have days like that its cool) HASM-sounds like you got yourself a good dog for game that bites back Right on! Other than that, you will need to seek advice from someone with more experience with Lurchers than I. Got any pics yet?
  20. Haven't had wild boar yet DS, but I have raised my own hogs for butcher, it's delicious
  21. I was gonna say clean it and superglue it! If ya don't want to put superglue per say on the dog then you can use Vetbond. But it is the same damn stuff. I have superglued dogs, horses, hawks as well as myself without any adverse side effects....I have used it on the dogs here that we ran during Field Trials in the desert. Another thing that keeps pads happy is Bag Balm, like for the sore udders of cows... I figure if these tricks worked on Pointers then they'll work on sight Hounds. Best of luck
  22. I am not too worried about hunting in thick woods, tell ya the truth I would prefer not to have to wade through the woods trying to keep pace with a dog chasing a rabbit. Light woods are good to run in. But i was thinking more along the lines of the fields bordering wooded areas. or when i'm down south the terrain will be flat or hilly desert. The more I talk to people the more like the saluki or a cross is the way for me to go. Has anyone ran a saluki x galgo? Seems like it would be a good mix. Thanks CAcountry_boy
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