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Everything posted by stephen58

  1. "then the alarm clock went off; dreamers" STEVE
  2. Hi Foxdropper well done absolutely brilliant!! hope the dogs have not been bitten to much by the rats?? how big were the chicken sheds?? (3rd photo) has really got me thinking for I;ve got a contract for a large poultry unit in Sussex as to how many rats they have got!!!! I bet the stench of Ammonia was over whelming !!! bet it made your eyes water !!! let alone the dogs !! looking forward to episode 2(plus photo;s) hope you beat your record and the dogs are up for round two!!! I bet you have got one happy farmer! (makes a change for once ! hehehe !) best regards Steve
  3. Hi Wife yes mate type in www.killgerm .com / trap£28 refuge cage £9.50+vat+p&p best regards Steve
  4. Hi ROLFE; you have most probaly got the mk1 version; if you type in "elgeeco.co.uk" then click onto "refuge cage" you will see what I mean; these newer versions are available from KG; I hope this has been some help to you best regards Steve
  5. nice big old rat that!!! well caught in the fenn; but looking at the photo it won;t count mate looks like it has had it;s tail docked hehehe!!! only jesting well done thats one big buck rat that won;t be getting his wicked way best regards Steve
  6. Hi Donky7 yes I have 2 of these traps I rate them very highly; where is the photo of the chewed bunjee gone??? which was posted on the ukpco forum mate?? LOL ; I liked the bit about the trap being sprung;reset the trap went to check the customers traps for moles ;came back 45 minutes later and BINGO!! Tufty;s in the trap just goes to show how effective these traps are!! a good piece of equipment to have in your kit especially when you have a problem squirrel best regards Steve
  7. Hi to TOMMO / MATT THE RAT at the end of the day all our pricing seem to roughly equal the same!! To MARKGOOD it is a hard life but a good one I;ve had a great week here is a sample of my working week : TUESDAY 6 am start travel from brighton to Suffolk help mate with a seagull netting job ;home 8 pm :THURSDAY 2 Mole jobs in the morning then gave a mate a hand to proof a chimneystack against birds on a roof with ridge~ladder absolutlely freezing!! then home quick bite of food then of to Twickenham to help a mate with pigeon netting job in a bus depot;back home 4 am Friday morning 3 hours slee
  8. Another advantage of coloured nylon is that your fellow ferreters can't get away with "accidently"popping one of your nets into their own collection . I was going to make some pink ones thinking that nobody would even want to steal em....Then it hit me that I might be missing a money-making oppertunity.There are a lot of lady ferreters out there.....And I'm only 30 miles from Brighton! oooh you are a bitch; can I have 2 dozen please; they had better be the right shade of pink or i;ll have to hit you with my game~bag! Steve
  9. Hi Comanche it must be a Sussex thing!! talking to a mate of mine from Surrey a fellow pestie"ask;s me what I;ve been doing?" Jaspers I reply! "pardon" WASPS mate "oh okay!" I would love to know the oringin of how they got this nick~name!!! where about;s in West Sussex are you from? Hi Martin the nest is probaly dead mate but don;t take any un~necessary risks! could be what Tikka T3 said " young queens" I;ve had a semi active nest in December in a loft mind you the whole house was like a sauna!! best regards to all Steve
  10. Hi k9wpg loved the reply typical Scouse humour! still laughing whilst I;m typing this nice one!! Steve
  11. "beggers beyond belief" absolute brain dead retarted moronic morons not a brain cell between them!!!!! "they definately were not in the queue when God was giving out brains" I bet they have got more ASBO than the Queen gave out in new year;s honours!!! They are bringing genuine field ~sports into disrepute which is my main concern; if I said what I really felt Ian B would ban me for life on this forum!!!!! some~body out there knows who they are?(clues in the you~tube clip; accents/dry stone wall & f8cking daft enough to show there pathetic faces) I am passionate about all forms of field~s
  12. when God was giving out brains ; you were not even in the queue !!!
  13. Hi ZZW no i meant the old type of Fenn scissor trap ;sorry if we got our wires crossed thats what I meant by saying "you;ll be hard pushed to find british made" due to the market being flooded by imitations.my mate swears by Talpex and use nothing else!! his going to lend me some so I can get that job done with the shallow runs on ;NO THANKS to that firm that send me a load of scrap metal !!! back to your question who makes the best scissor trap and British made ? I bet that some one on this forum will know Steve
  14. Hi ZZW; good question that ? i think that you;ll be hard pushed to find some that are British made I;m strictly a Duffus trap man Ijust wanted some Talpex traps to use on a job that had some really shallow runs; FENN are manufacturing a trap that;s simular to the Talpex whether they are still making scissor traps or not I do not know!! or how good they were not having any experience of them !maybe some member might be able to enlighten you;the market has been flooded with cheap~crap traps; good question?ZZW STEVE
  15. Hi to all ;I see this old ches~nut has come up again go back 5 pages(MOLE TRAPS by GIRO 15/11/07) I my~self buy my mole traps from the Flatpack Company;but the best traps are from Bethel Rhodes ; but there is some controversery as to wether they sell to the public !! if you type up www,warrenfarm.co.uk & click onto trap review it explains /shows you why these traps are pony (Big Cheese) whilst we are on the subject dose any one know where I can get some Talpex mole traps from just had to send some back to a firm (Big Cheese) really p*ssed off; especially as I was told they were British mad
  16. Thanks B B point taken on board about nets getting trashed best regards Steve
  17. Hi B B great looking nets just one question are they made from 10z twine (rats biting net/terrier hitting net/killing in net) mainly from a strenght point of view? any one up for a game of table~tennis with the rats! I think your terrier is judging by that photo he/she seem;s to be saying"come on ;where are they then"best regards Steve
  18. Hi D.S thats a f%cking classic !!! i remember getting a call~out to Brighton marina at 10P.M on a Sunday nite for mice gave them my bill ; bearing in mind this was for a follow~up the next sunday as well! " how much" I retorted how much do you think a plumber would cost you; thats if you could get one;they soon shut up bleeding tight wads! Steve
  19. Hi Markgood great advise given by Rolfe & Tomo my pricing structure is on the same lines; but don;t forget the hidden little extra;s like advertising/business cards /printing /third liability insurance /new traps/bait stations it all adds up at the end of the day!! plus the price of wheat has gone up so the manufacturers of rat bait are puting there prices up so we in turn might have to increase our prices? try and get as many contracts as possible so as to help keep the cash flow going through out the year; hope that this has helped Steve
  20. the reason i use 2 1/4 is that ithink that it helps the ferret get through the net easier plus the rabbits head is through the net offering the oppertunity to quickly dispatch the rabbit and I use spun nylon nets Steve
  21. Happy birthday Ditch you share the same birthday as my youngest daughter! 14 today ! God help me ! I hope your mates IRISH SOLUTION hope is not what the GARDAS are looking for!(tut~tut do not keep it under the kitchen sink 1st place they look ) Hee Hee !!! Wink Wink!!! Happy Birthday and a happy new year I;ll bet you;ll have a mega hang~over in the morning best regards Steve
  22. Thank you Teejay I;ll have to start looking around some wood yards!! regards STEVE
  23. Hi Teejay nice photo;s and a very good ratio of kill/ to number of traps set; are the cubby;s from Killgerm or self made best regards Steve and have a very good New Year Steve
  24. Hi Bowers I can see from your site that you are a very experienced dog man you have got to see this dog to believe it!!! maybe Ihave got the breeding wrong ? best regards Steve
  25. Hi Phil were you ferreting in the Woodingdean area ? if so did the lady have a lurcher/deer hound cross type of dog if so you were most probably speaking to "raving Rita" boy can i tell you some tales about her mate it will take you a week to pick your self up of the floor you could write a a book about her; you must have caught her on a good day good will to all men and that slightly changing the subject still up for that beer? trying to arrange a date for you and I to go ferreting up in Surrey on a mate of mines stud farm and I;ll show you how to set a long net Steve
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