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Everything posted by dustyfox

  1. can anybody post the dates for this years beating? or have Ians numbers Cheers
  2. And what action against the kennel you gonna take? You put him in there and thought to yourself that it wasnt right before you did, then you must of got bored of your steam trains and got someone to pick him up. If you had maturity you wouldnt of put him in there if you had a sense something wasnt right. Your dog is probably going to infect other dogs it comes into contact within the next 3 months, so congratulations.
  3. Hang on your saying I shouldnt of said what I said? So somebody else cant learn from his mistake? The most probable reason why you think this forum has gone s h it is because people like you slating people who have an opinion. He said he didnt like the way they were treated and got a relative to pick the dog up later, if I got treated wrongly that way I would of turned away. Its now the dog that is suffering and I hope he gets better. The best you can do is make him as comfortable as possable and make sure he is eating and drinking.
  4. It must of been a dodgy kennel for them not ask for the kennel cough jag and not booking in advance. i wouldnt of even considered putting my dogs in there. Was Steam trains more important than your dog?
  5. I dont know as I moved address I will have to phone my mum as it was her address that it must of gone to if i did.
  6. Hey everybody, I have been sent a letter by my car insurance company saying that they cannot find my no claims history and they are asking for £106 more. I have two years no claims, my previous insurance stopped back in August 2008 and started my new car insurance in December 2008. Surley I can still claim my No claim insurace discount. Help Phoning them up tomorrow to sort it out, just wondering if I have a worthy argument.
  7. read it and find out. just think how much that coin and the collection that goes with it will be in the future.
  8. dustyfox


    I would send davidBASC a pm but a mod over there aint got a sense of humor as I have been suspened for having a laugh. So it would of been another pm added to the list.
  9. Just like to say a Big thankyou to Blackdug for taking me out wildfowling today. I managed to bag my first duck(wigeon) and my first greylag goose. I could of had more but me being picky i let some go . Thankyou very much Blackdug cant wait to get back out there. df
  10. The only bad places in Scotland is the cities, especially the likes of Glasgow.
  11. And all travelers are not ignorant? At the place where I am working they give permission for travellers to take the Scrap metal away, and there is an old guy who works with me to sort this out what. The Travellers were told on several occassion before Christmas to give my work mate a drink for the Christmas and New Year as a friendly gesture as the old boy worked hard, they never did but they still wanted the metal. So the end result was they now cannot take our scrap anymore. Shame really they seemed really nice people, very friendly they were. You get good and bad in every corn
  12. jigsaw is on here reading this now, he may find you and put you in a trap for imitating him.
  13. I always thought all training of dogs was playtime. I thought all training with dogs must be fun, but you got to draw the line somewhere.
  14. I would never use weapons like a stick against my dog nor will i kick him, I wont punch him. I will just give him a light slap under the chin. It doesnt hurt him, its just a reminder to him that its not play time.
  15. A dog has got to know what it has done wrong, saying no to it doesnt work all the time. Most of the time my dog will normally understand when I say no, but its times like running up to other dogs when I have shouted no, thats when I grab him by the scruff of the neck and tap him under the chin. Because that other dog could have done more injury to him than I could. Df
  16. I hit my dog but, its not a full on hit. Its more of a tap underneath the chin at the same time I say no. This usually calms him down and he usually does ok after a reminder. Got to be mean to keep them keen. Df
  17. People who do the fox hunts said that only the weak ones get caught, leaving the stronger ones to produce offspring talk about natural selection . The world runs on money, if a farmer wanted to choose methods of the two he will probably go for the Shooting method. You dont get a pack of hounds and horses on your land possably causing damage and alot of time and money goes into the hounds and horses. Shooting it could just be you and your gun and control foxes more effectively. Just my opinion Not against shooting or hunting. Df
  18. The Browning is a Multi choke 28" barrels and 70mm chamber.
  19. If this guy has done illegal activity I dont give a f*** about him. Its people like him that we all get associated with, making all of us look bad. Close the thread it gave me a head ache reading just one page of shite. df
  20. There is no other proof marks other than a star and the Gardone proof mark.
  21. How can you find out the age? I didnt get no manual with it. Thanks
  22. Er I think you will decide differently, if it happened to you mate. Its a thing called adrenaline, the thing that makes you do stuff even if they are stupid. It happened to me. You got to think I know you are thinking of your kids but once that adrenaline kicks in you dont think of anything else but the subject. df
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