lets just say when you see a sitter you might want to take a photo becuse it will never look the same again once the terrier gets it. :11: no seriously she just makes a mess of the poor thing. you should take your jrt out. did you read what your man said about the jrt that was the best dog on the lamp his friend had ever seen.
Been out with my friend lamping a couple of times with his terrier believe it or not. the terrier caught 11 sunday nigh. i borrowed the same dog last nigh and the bugger wont do it for me. how the hell does the terrier do it and why wont it work for me. a very p***ed stringer
hi im new to shooting sports and going to get an air pistol for pigeon control and wondering if anyone new a good dealer or good gun to get. southern ireland only. Stringer9
I know i sound like a fool but im new to hunting with ferrets. what age are ferrets mature enough to hunt rabbits. i need to know so please reply if you know. Thanks