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Everything posted by Aled

  1. Thanks Greyman. looks good. Cheers guys.
  2. Nice jokes, and some good replies, thanks all, i think i may looking at a Titan brand. Cheers. Aled
  3. Thanks guys. I've got a larger chain saw for bigger stuff, looking for a smaller one to get into those smaller gaps where you need a bit of thinning to start things off. Cheers. Aled
  4. Evening All With the hunting life forum being the broad church it is i am wondering if anybody has any experience of using the small hand held electric chain saw for pruning cutting small logs kindlin etc? See picture below. This isn't the specific brand i'm looking at (open minded as to type) but they seem to get mixed reviews so any advice appreciated. Cheers. Aled
  5. Sorry to hear that Sean condolences.
  6. Aled

    J P R Williams

    A lot of that generation of Welsh rugby players had professions, quite a few teachers in that team of the 70's. I actually think that the Education act of 1948, which gave them access to higher education was one of the reasons the Welsh team of the 70's was so good.
  7. Aled

    J P R Williams

    Pioneering player in his day, an impressive rugby and professional CV. Condolences to family and friends.
  8. Wife did not want an engagement ring so i happily paid £1k for a wedding ring made with Welsh Gold, the rings partner was also £1k, i said no way was i wearing a £1k ring on my finger! So i bought a similar ring with some Welsh Gold in it for £200! Did however buy my Wife a nice ring for her 50th birthday last year. At the end of the day its your choice Wolfdog91! Do what suits you and your wife to be. Cheers. Aled
  9. Aled

    In laws

    Nearly shaaark, Mamgu is Welsh for Grandmother.
  10. So time for one of the Isles oldest languages.....Blwyddyn newydd Dda Pawb/Happy New Year all. Cofion. Aled
  11. Aled

    In laws

    I know shaaark, comments made by you and others, made me realise how lucky i am. Now my Mam n Dads marriage is a good one (53 years) , BUT in the run up to the wedding both my Grandmothers were awful. Their looks of total disgust during the wedding pictures are now seen as hilarious as eventually all found a way through and became friends, but my Mamgu's face in the wedding photo....well there is denying she was not impressed!!!
  12. My sons school choir sang Leonard Cohens Halleluiah at their Christmas concert this year, so for the 1st time ever, i listened to the man himself sing it on You Tube! Loved it.
  13. Been poor numbers around my part of West Wales for years, however i have seen more this year than for many years. Plan to go ferreting with a pal to harvest a few locally this month, 1st time i've seen enough to do that for many years!!
  14. Aled

    In laws

    Blimey! reading some of these comments makes me realise how lucky i am, i like my in laws very much, if I had not married my wife, i would still of liked them, they are very kind, generous people, and the care they gave to my children in the early years was priceless, I told them if they want to give their other 2 children (whose offspring they did not look after) more money as inheritance i would not mind one bit! Looks like i won on the in laws front!! Cheers. Aled
  15. Aled

    Stanley flask,

    I've had a Stanley Flask for around 10years, a bit battered but still does the job!
  16. You could do worse than a pair of grade 1 altberg army surplus. Paid less than £40 for mine, and are doing season no 3!
  17. Great news, wishing you all the best for the future.
  18. Aled

    R.I.P Shane

    Sad to say i must be on my way...and there he goes, probably looking for Streams of Whiskey, thanks for the songs and the memories, Goodnight Shane.
  19. Mate of mine had one which used to do a bit of everything including retrieve ducks from ponds. Nice looking pup. Cheers. Aled
  20. I am not a running dog man, although i have shot and fished all my life. However I've really enjoyed reading about how you guys started out. As a boy growing up in West Wales i was surrounded by Men and some Women who knew everything about rural life, as Moc Morgan once said about where he was brought up there was a "professor on every street" . People near me had knowledge of all sorts of field sports, dogs, guns fishing, ferrets, throw in the knowledge of how to grow top notch veg and it was brilliant. I would also like to mention the diversity of these people they all worked, there were ban
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