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Everything posted by Aled

  1. Nigella Lawson one dish chicken dinner with all veg home grown. Eating self caught trout with home grown spuds tomorrow!
  2. I grew those last year Micky, the seed packet i had was called Black Russian.
  3. Decided on an al fresco cooked carbohydrate free supper, steak, peppers, tomato's, mushrooms and home grown onions.
  4. As an aside, a bass has just been caught "up river" on the Tywi in West Wales yesterday!
  5. Blimey thats interesting, fished some of those Devon rivers mentioned back in the early 90's whilst at Plymouth Poly. Great fishing. So time to hang up the salmon and sea trout flies, and try for Bass on the fly...its great fun and the don't half hit the fly when they take!
  6. Managed first sea trout of the season on Saturday night, about 2.5lb, also lost a salmon of about 8lb, on fly before dark.
  7. Sunday Lunch with home grown potatoes.
  8. Dytkos, now that looks more like a Ploughmans lunch, which in my opinion does not count as salad.?
  9. Aled


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  10. Looking good guys, i think i've planted my onion sets too deep! Flowers on the tomato plants, beetroot looking good, and i will have home potatoes this week. Cheers Aled
  11. Seeing 1 or 2 weekly, which is not many, but a lot more than the 0 i usually see!
  12. Got a few spuds from the growing pot, not as many as i expected, but enough for a meal.
  13. First spuds of the season, a few less than i expected in the pot, but enough for a feed.
  14. Guess who made a lovely slow cooked lamb dinner, ...and forgot to take a picture and put it on the Hunting life what's cooking page????
  15. Nice one all. Potatoes beetroot and lettuce look OK, Carrots seem to be struggling, to early to say on my onions!
  16. Nice pictures all, great to see veg being grown. I've got a compact veg patch, and also grow in tubs, and grow bags.
  17. Pat Barker: Regeneration Trilogy Cant choose between Hugh Falkus or Moc Morgans Sea Trout Fishing books. John Humphreys: Country Gun Gwynfor Evans : Bywyd Cymro: (There is an English language version called "For the sake of Wales") Brian Moore: What goes on tour stays on tour. I've been a keen reader all my life, so I love reading fiction, King, JK Rowling, Follett, Hill, McDermid, Lin Anderson and many more, at the moment Tim Weaver is the flavour of the month.
  18. Planted the patch up yesterday: Potatoes, Carrots, Beetroot, Radishes, lettuce, leeks, onions, sweetcorn and French Beans all planted. Some light rain today as well so hoping they all thrive. All being well i'll catch a nice sea trout later this summer to eat with my new potatoes! Cheers Aled
  19. Nice one guys. I've got some tomatoes, onions, cucumbers, peppers, and lettuce on the window sill. Have planted some potatoes in pots. Will be planting the veg patch with French Beans, Potatoes, Onion Sets, radish, beetroot and carrots this Saturday. Held it off for a week due to this weeks colder weather. Plastic growing frame going up soon. Cheers. Aled
  20. Well you'll be pleased to know we are not related, my Nan's sister ran said cafe and settled in Gosport, we used to visit her for summer holidays, there was a brilliant outdoor pool in Gosport, which along with the sea fishing available led to some enjoyable family holidays.
  21. Hey Neal this is a serious question you mentioned you were 1/16th Welsh and from Gosport, your Welsh ancestors didn't happen to run a servicemen's cafe during the war? Cheers Aled
  22. My rough shooting, and wildfowling companion plus family pet Celt, he's a proper mongrel a NZ Huntaway x Labrador.
  23. Added some wood ash, and did the First dig over last Sunday, also potted some tomato and cucumber seeds.
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