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Everything posted by Aled

  1. Bodyline - Wikipedia What about this Juke?
  2. Aled


    Don't know about the rest of you, but I keep a notebook with my monthly income and outgoings, got myself into a financial hole in 2003 learnt my lesson! Since then, I've prioritised my spending.
  3. Nice comments all, pleasure to read this thread. ?
  4. Sounds like Farrage is supporting PR in this video, or have I misunderstood? He definately says "smash the First past the post"
  5. Nice bit of nostalgia there all. Similar story here although we tended to stay in chalets, Dad hates caravans! (did that make us posh?) Anyway snorkelling, rockpooling, fishing, polystyrene body boards, and there was a cracking outdoor Lido at one place with high diving boards and slides, plus ice cream, and fish and chips of course! ...Also the God squad were sometimes at the beach and too be fair their puppet shows were great entertainment for children!!
  6. I don't think its unique to ferreting. I was born on the banks of a well known Welsh Sea Trout river, as a child nearly all my mates fished as the angling association was very affordable for us youngsters, also the local sport shop set up a club so you could pay £1 off as and when you had some money. I take my son fishing and he's caught sea trout, but he never asks to go fishing and he and his mates don't fish sadly....oh and a junior angling ticket is now £1 a season, it was £10 when i was a child!
  7. No sadly as i'm the only one in the house who will eat those, so not really worth the effort.
  8. Closed a lot off today, got a few leeks left, which i will make cawl with later on in the year other than that...roll on the spring!
  9. Aled


    Well we knew this day would come. RIP the Queen, and condolences to her family.
  10. Blimey, i always thought anglers worldwide were better than that! Back in 1994 we had a family holiday in France, we went canoeing along the river, there was no litter...but at one spot which looked like a good holding pool there were around 40 metres of forked sticks around a foot apart along the bank, never knew worm fishing was so popular in France!!
  11. No idea re breeding, but he looks a good un!
  12. At the end of all inclusive holidays in Spain, there is a pile of stuff usually left at a point near the pool, this included, stuff like armbands, books, sliders, fishing nets etc. People are encouraged to re-use them....i saw a Spanish security guard get into his Peugeot 205....it was full to the brim of leftover stuff. At least it was being re-used! Cheers Aled
  13. It used to be a badge of honour as to how many festivals you and your two man tent, which you bought aged 17 had attended!!
  14. I do remember my cousin being on strike in 1984, he said if they weren't on the picket line, they were in the field, at the allotment, or on the river bank. He said some people ate rabbit so often they haven't eaten it since the end of the strike. Cheers. Aled
  15. Got a few this year, and i must say they taste great.
  16. Aled

    Cornwall trip

    Had a nice few days at St Ives last week, sun shone most of the time, but sadly we caught no Bass.
  17. OK not yet cooked, but they look good!
  18. Interesting hearing what many of you guys talk about regarding working on various sites. As a student i spent my summers labouring on building sites. I always found there was a constant p*ss taking of us college boys, but provided we rolled up our sleeves and were prepared to pitch in and do our bit, we were given a grudging respect we were also young and fit, "he's studying at Uni but he is prepared to do a hard days graft for a days pay", i did not see the back stabbing you guys talk about, there would be an extra 10min stop at 10am, and lunch then...we all got on with it. ....as an aside re
  19. Yes, really bad experience in my previous role, person below me wanted my job, and would of done anything to get it, this included lies, going out of her way to be awkward, and phone calls to the grant giving organisation! A very toxic atmosphere and a very unpleasant person. Thankfully i got a new job, and i genuinely like my work colleagues, blimey what a difference!
  20. Aled

    Cornwall trip

    I would argue that that is the responsible thing to do.....hope you made up for after you ditched the car later that evening?
  21. Nice one all. Carrots have done badly this year. French Beans have gone well, potatoes and beetroot have been good, Onions i would class as OK, but not wow. Some of tomatoes have at last started to redden, will be eating the first ones this week. Cheers. Aled
  22. Aled

    Cornwall trip

    Marking thread to read in detail later, visiting Cornwall later this summer.
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