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Everything posted by Aled

  1. Doing Dry January for the 17th year on the trot this year, so at the moment i'm drinking quite a bit of Yorkshire Tea, mind i'm rather partial to Yorkshire Tea at any time of year anyway!
  2. Like others on this site i am a keen angler, it was once suggested that i apply for a job as a Water Bailiff....i declined fishing is my hobby, i don't want it to be my job as well. So i get the comments on here about keepering's pros and cons.
  3. Very few Woodcock in my part of West Wales at the moment, cracking picture.
  4. Cracking looking food spreads all.
  5. The game and the MND lost a good one, great player and a top bloke.
  6. I think we all have something that our taste buds just don't like, for some reason i don't like mashed swede, the type you would have with Sunday lunch, and i have tried very hard to like it as i love a Sunday roast, however i will quite happily eat it in Lamb Cawl. ?
  7. Aled


    They have their place: We had mice when we moved to our present house got 2 farm cats, which we thought would live outside and keep the mice down. They do their job well, and do offer a bit of friendship....however i much prefer my dog!
  8. Good read shovel leaner. Maybe for some of us small shoots with small bags of birds, all of which enter the food chain may be a way to a) keep shooting, and b) justify our sport to those middle grounders as a source of healthy free range meat? Cheers. Aled
  9. Aled

    Give blood

    Given regularly over the last 30 years other than after some illnesses, apparently my blood type is quite common, (ARH+) but can be used in a special way to help cancer patients. During Covid Lockdown i was given special permission to go and give blood in a neighbouring town, blimey it was nice to have a spin in the car somewhere different! Cheers Aled
  10. Congratulations Iran, we didnt seem quite the team we were during the 2nd half against the USA. So we'll be going home next week. Anyway glad i've seen us at the World Cup once even if the fairy-tale did not happen. Good Luck England.
  11. OK correct message: South Hams HUnter, your batter looks good, would you be kind enough to tell us your batter recipe. Thanks. Aled
  12. Ahhh thanks Arry i get it now wrong link! (Slaps his own head and calls himself a wally!)
  13. Apologies Arry English is my second language what on earth is SHH please?? Cheers Aled
  14. We'll see we live in hope!
  15. Looks good peterhunter86, what's the batter made from if you'd be kind enough to share? Thanks. Aled
  16. Good win for England and some nice goals scored. Nasty head clash for the Iran Goalkeeper he should not of been allowed to stay on. A sigh of relief in Wales, where were we in the first 45 minutes, still in Cardiff by the look of it! Anyway we're off.....
  17. Nick Fisher: Body found in hunt for missing BAFTA winner - BBC News TV Writer, Keen angler and Shooting Times contributor Nick Fisher has sadly passed away. Angling has lost a good ambassador.
  18. Slow cooker pheasant wrapped in bacon with potatoes, carrots red onion chicken stock pot and parsnips. Used the meat juices to make gravy. I accept presentation isn't brilliant, but it tasted great! Stripped the meat left, which i will eat in a sandwich tomorrow. The dog enjoyed liking the bowl and the cats enjoyed picking over the carcass. Winners all round!
  19. Hope he gets well soon keepdigin.
  20. Read the book a few years, found it fascinating. So the film looks worth seeing.
  21. There was a really enjoyable TV series about the bodyline test matches, which was part fiction part fact, it was on TV when i was about 13 years old. It was very interesting!
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