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About bill83

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 25/05/1983

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    south east
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  1. Yer mate i was speaking to you just before you went in the ring my wife had the forever living stall there
  2. We had a good day toohttp://s1381.photobucket.com/user/billyanderson188/media/Mobile%20Uploads/2015-09/20150927_150022_zpsm9bdwyrs.jpg.html
  3. http://s1381.photobucket.com/user/billyanderson188/media/Mobile%20Uploads/2015-08/20150818_010317_zpsykt0zqfr.jpg.html?sort=3&o=90
  4. This is the pic of her with her prize http://s1381.photobucket.com/user/billyanderson188/media/Mobile%20Uploads/2015-08/20150818_010317_zpsykt0zqfr.jpg.html
  5. The young pup that i bread just started on the lamp and she has a very forward nature i took her out to get her to start looking down the beam and this was the result of that over the moon well pleased holding her up now to grow and mature th<a href="http://s1381.photobucket.com/user/billyanderson188/media/Mobile%20Uploads/2015-08/IMG-20150823-WA0074_zpsrzjd26qi.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1381.photobucket.com/albums/ah226/billyanderson188/Mobile%20Uploads/2015-08/IMG-20150823-WA0074_zpsrzjd26qi.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo IMG-20150823-WA0074_zpsrzjd26qi.jpg"/>&l
  6. http://s1381.photobucket.com/user/billyanderson188/media/Mobile%20Uploads/2015-06/20150614_170205_zps7onvaxz6.jpg.html my son with the pup i bread
  7. http://s1381.photobucket.com/user/billyanderson188/media/Mobile%20Uploads/2015-06/20150624_224453_zpsc2nog1aq.jpg.html
  8. http://s1381.photobucket.com/user/billyanderson188/media/Mobile%20Uploads/2015-06/20150624_224442_zpswql5iawv.jpg.html filling out now thank god
  9. Is it still at earls colne or is it a barnston dunmow
  10. Thanks bunnys & grompz
  11. Whippet wheaton collie grey x 3/8 bull 5/8 grey
  12. This is the pup i bread now at 4 1/2 months http://s1381.photobucket.com/user/billyanderson188/media/Mobile%20Uploads/2015-06/20150624_224540_zpsajngbb6e.jpg.html
  13. Is the earls cone show on this year if so when is it thanks
  14. Thanks T_H_C got them on saturday and they have both come into season so they have got some vicetimised company
  15. Ive been doing ferreting for some time now but normaly let my dad keep the ferrets but now ive got them in the garden so its easier to get them out and good fun for the kids
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