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Everything posted by paddy.t

  1. Cheers for all replys, I wanted to convert it to find out how much power an airsoft gun kicks out (my mates into it and i said to get a real air rifle) As far as i know it has to be under 1ft/lb or not break the skin.
  2. Ill take £150 for the lot, this thing really has to go starting to get in the way. Please PM me
  3. please inlighten me on the meaning of ICBM Cheers There is a Polaris I-nter C-ontinental B-allistic M-issile In short big boooooom ATB Michael Ohhh now you've put it like that. I couldnt understand why i got loads of missiles when i googled it haha. :clapper: :clapper: hence the shot placement bit Yeah even ferretfeller could hit a bunny with one of them......probably.
  4. Ive decided to flog my SMK QB78 with 4x28 scope Less than a year old Im not exactly sure what power it is kicking out(im not even going to guess) but ive taken feather with it at 20-25 yards and odd bunny. Very tidy looking gun. Asking £ INCLUDING post. Any questions please feel free to PM me Click for pics Cheers Paddy
  5. please inlighten me on the meaning of ICBM Cheers There is a Polaris I-nter C-ontinental B-allistic M-issile In short big boooooom ATB Michael Ohhh now you've put it like that. I couldnt understand why i got loads of missiles when i googled it haha.
  6. please inlighten me on the meaning of ICBM Cheers
  7. Just been on there bud, im after some 1st had experience cheers.
  8. Can anybody give me a little info on the BSA POLARIS in .177 please Like: Price, weight, recoil, noise. Cheers all
  9. Ill be different then: Ive had mine 3 years with normal chicken wire on their run and never had an escape/bite through.
  10. Can anyone else get on to BSA owners group, it wont find the website something to do with there server...
  11. Co2 mate And to be perfectly honest im not sure what power its kicking about, my gun shop wont crono it. I know that itsnt exactly the best practise but its got plenty of power, ive taken feather and rat at 20-25 yards with it. The idea was to but it and send it off to be tuned up (internals polished, mod, new trigger ect) But never got around to it and ive got an ultra now. CHeers
  12. Pictures of the gun Cheers paddy
  13. Will post at buyers cost/risk
  14. Just been offered one for £60 , what you lookin at gettin for it Paddy , me mates after one but i have pm`d Davy and waitin on a reply Probably around that price hopefully, its under 12 months old probably had about 500 pellets through it,its the 'delux' one with brass bolt and trigger haha. Its ideal if someone wants to get it internaly polished and what not, ive jst never got around to it. And im happy with my ultra so i dont use it. Might put the cash towards a springer for my gandad. Cheers mate thanks bud ok mate i`ll chase the other one and if no good i`ll pm yo
  15. Just been offered one for £60 , what you lookin at gettin for it Paddy , me mates after one but i have pm`d Davy and waitin on a reply Probably around that price hopefully, its under 12 months old probably had about 500 pellets through it,its the 'delux' one with brass bolt and trigger haha. Its ideal if someone wants to get it internaly polished and what not, ive jst never got around to it. And im happy with my ultra so i dont use it. Might put the cash towards a springer for my gandad. Cheers mate
  16. There ailsbery any keepers??
  17. Ive decided to flog my SMK QB78 .22 with 4x28 scope, Befor i start i know i should put it in forsale section but i just want to ask for a general jist of what i should put it up for, or if anyone can make me an offer. suggestions welcom. Cheers paddy
  18. paddy.t


    Insane aint it bud. Saying that my next door nabour rents his house but only pays £250 PCM Christ knows how he's wangled that. Cant wait till i leave school 4 years on £100 a week, be liveing life of luxery
  19. I wouldn't worry mine does it and she is perfectly healthy and fit,, Cheers FL.
  20. She never chucks it back up though, she seem's perfectly healthy to me, plenty of energy and very obedient.
  21. Have been up to my cousins today and he's got a 6 month old lab and she wolfes down her dinner in litterally seconds, just wondering if this is normal, never seen a dog eat so fast.
  22. Try tension'ing them into more of a pear shape, this way it will cover all ov the run. try taking the wire off the tealer and pulling it tight then re-attach, ive just done that and its worked perfect. Good luck
  23. y not wats wrong with it ..just asking..??? All he's done is twist a bit of wire around at the end to form a loop like an eye-let no knots or anything, so to me the power of the rabbit hitting it will just pull it lose when its been bouncing about. sure he tested them...ya sure watever .... Just think itl be too weak to hold, Its suprising how much the can jump about. But hey each to their own
  24. y not wats wrong with it ..just asking..??? All he's done is twist a bit of wire around at the end to form a loop like an eye-let no knots or anything, so to me the power of the rabbit hitting it will just pull it lose when its been bouncing about.
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