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Everything posted by paddy.t

  1. Whats the best way to post an air-rifle? Tried royal mail site but to no avail. CHeers
  2. Wins hands down~~~>
  3. You poor poor boy. Nah only joking, they aint too bad.
  4. Cant forget the home town lot
  5. Must have been bloody good pills. they where mate.. Cant be doing with them, theres no proper beat lol
  6. Must have been bloody good pills.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DrBLqp-s__o One of my favorites.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bVcD1xAMTo8...feature=channel
  9. what u into Rock Rap Ska Bassline Punk Regge anyting really.
  10. ~Im bored out of my skull here, anybody give me some good songs to listen to please....
  11. cheers for replys on torch. i may just go and get one, whats the best way to mount them?
  12. Just take your time and dont buy something for the sake of it, i did and ended up with a gun i didn't like.
  13. End of the day bud pick a gun that you like, feels comfy, light enough and that u can afford. Don't be swayed by other peoples views. Poll was a good idea but just because it wont don't mean you have to buy one. Good luck anyway let us know what you get. PAddy
  14. what do you mean by the barrel isent screw cut? (you mean its a push-on silencer barrel?) and how much more is a mkIII than a standerd one? the standard one in the shop near me is 350. Mate for £350 you could get a brand new BSA ultra scope and silencer. Do some more shopping around
  15. Sounds good mate, not all about shooting stuff. Are those tesco torches any good?
  16. Cheers for all replys. yesturday i took gun up i shot 14 rats 3 pigeons and a mixy rabbit. Today just one healthy rabbit but only went out for 10 mins was busy with horses. Going to pop out later tonight see if i can lamp a few bunnys. Cheers all.
  17. Managed to get my own permission today that I can go to as and when i like instead of getting lifts to linconshire. Went up to see farmer, spoke to his wife who jumped at the idea of me shooting rats around yard and in grain sheds. Went back at milking time had a word with farmer and he was sound, told me where they all run and what not. Also got over 100 acres of pasture to shoot plenty of bunny's about. And i can lamp up there so cant get any better really. I offerd to help out around farm just to show i was keen and all sorted:D:D:D Paddy
  18. Black sheep and waterloo cup for me.
  19. Use 1 or 2 inch weld mesh. Looks tidy and is strong... Might cost you a few quid though
  20. Im sat here trying to revise for my chemistry exam tomorro.. but the way i see it if i don't know it now im not going to
  21. Feck school then, just going for exams. Make most of it while i can
  22. Can't get enough of the weather, Hope it keeps it up though.
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