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Tam G

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Everything posted by Tam G

  1. Not sure was just thinking she’s really smart and agile got high prey drive and is already fast for a gsd but just use the greyhound to add more speed. That’s what my thoughts were
  2. Thanks for your input what would your opinion be on this wee bitch? Since you have year experience breeding with the gsd. I’ve got ppl say whippet ppl saying greyhound others says racy lurcher that works. What do you think?
  3. Thanks after speaking to a few more ppl and taking advice from here too I’ve decided to try find a nice greyhound to use.
  4. This is my bitch I plan on using
  5. How do you upload photos onto this I can’t seem to do it?
  6. Thanks mate. I usually feed them in the morning so will just stick to my normal schedule and feed them before leaving. Thanks
  7. I did that before with the ferret I had years ago could fill the bowl and next day I’d go out it was still half full just add into it, but 1 of the 2 ferrets Ive got the now is really greedy and eats and eats the other is normal size and weight the other is much heavier both siblings from same litter so I’ve just been sorting an amount I think is ok for them and feeding them in the morning usually around 7am every morning.
  8. Hi everyone, just wondering what you guys do for feeding on days your going ferreting? Do yous feed as normal? Or feed the night before? Or leave them till you back home and give them a rabbit? regards Thomas
  9. Thank you that would be appreciated maté. Thanks
  10. Thanks mate I’m new to the dogs for hunting always just had ferrets and guns. But this little gsd ive got is great dog never saw a gsd move as fast or jump the way she does really smart too. So just need as much info as possible before breeding her with something to get a nice rabbit dog but don’t want to do it and it to be a waste of time. But your info has been great thanks
  11. I just read an old post on this German shepherd cross for Lurcher anyone got any new info on it? I’ve got a great wee working line German shepherd super fast very agile I work her in tracking, obedience, protection and agility she excels in all. I’ve got back into the hunting after 20 years away for it and was thinking about crossing her with a whippet or greyhound was thinking more the whippet for a smaller dog as she would just be for rabbits. Also I’ve had her hips and elbows scored 0-0 elbows and 3-4 hips so no problems there and she has a nice straight back too Regards Tho
  12. Also I’ve had her hips and elbows done which where great scores 0-0 for elbows and 3-4 for hips so no problem there nice straight back too
  13. I see this old post anyone got any new info on it? I’ve got a great wee working line German shepherd super fast very agile I work her in tracking, obedience, protection and agility she excels in all. I’ve got back into the hunting after 20 years away for it and was thinking about crossing her with a whippet or greyhound was thinking more the whippet for a smaller dog as she would just be for rabbits. Regards Thomas
  14. Thanks guys for the reply’s. Just getting used to this site, couldn’t work out how to get back on to my post . Thank il all on board been spend roughly an hour each night handling them and letting them threw tubes and picking the up they already are keen to come to me if I don’t pick them up they climbing up my legs ect. Will start fitting collars. I never used collars 20 years ago when ferreting but was just lucky I guess always tane a spade but never needed it. But I will use the detection collar this time round. Also will start making a noise when feeding them perhaps just whistling to le
  15. Just getting back into ferreting after 20 years away from it. Ferrets I had when I was younger had already been working when I got them so never had them from kits. I have two young hobs the now 13 weeks old. When’s a good age to get them started got them out going threw drainage pipes the now in garden. Regards Tam
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