Hi guys I tane your advice from earlier and now the young ferrets I’ve had them out 3 times so far only got 1 rabbit a few of the places never had much but 1 place I went to I went down a night shon the lamp over field must have been somewhere between 50-70 rabbits on the park came back next morning netted up the holes all along the banking and hedgerow. Ferrets went down going threw the warren making there way threw the holes never got a rabbit never even heard anything moving underneath us. What you think are the ferrets not going deep enough? They are just over 6 month old not got a problem
Also kept them separate the now even if I put them in for small time and they are playing about fight it breaks open so need to keep them apart for another week or too I think till skin is tougher
Anyone got contact details like an email or phone number for Netmaker on here? I’ve messaged him on this but he’s still not read it. Or if anyone know him to let him know I’m trying to get in contact with him.
I’ve got of that in the house il move onto that next. Started using the blue spray I got from farmer. It’s an antibiotic and an antiseptic so il use that for 3 days it say on tin to use it 1-3 days so il do that then move on to the sudocream. Thanks
lol this is the smaller 1 that tend to get rag dolled when there having a scuffle I’m gona separate them use the blue spray and once it heals try putting them back together it started just as a wee nick so hopefully once healed th skin will be tough enough for a scuffle. Also does cutting there balls off effect there working?
Thanks mate. I’ve got an antibacterial shampoo from vet that’s ment to treat bacteria infections and ring worm but not getting better. I was thinking of separating them just now need to sort a second hutch. But I might also try trimming back the fur a bit see if that helps. Thanks
Got 2 young ferrets about 5-6 weeks ago after having them a week I notice a small spot/scab on his shoulder blades this got worse quickly so I tane him to the vet thinking it was ring worm but the vet said she thinks it’s more a bacterial infection from the ferrets biting each other while playing and then dirt has got in a cut. Has anyone else had this experience or know what this looks like il put pics on the now. Was speaking to the vet again today I’ve to take him down on Tuesday to get oral antibiotics as it’s not improved with the with the shampoo they gave me 4 weeks ago.
I tried the number and it didn’t work but then went into the adverts and there another number in there it’s for a house/ garage clearance service I called that number because it’s the same name as the email bombers house removals or something… anyway got the guy he said he would give me a call back needed to wait on his son coming home to see what ferret boxes they had left. So il let you know how I get on.
*Proper ferrets buys, sells and breeds quality ferrets. As well as this, we provide quality hobs at stud, hunting...
That’s the link to site
Any of yous guys used this company? They are doing ferret boxes for a 3rd of the price of eBay sellers getting a 2 ferret bow back box for £20 sounds too good to be true? There selling around the £60 mark on eBay.