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big feet

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Everything posted by big feet

  1. You just waffle bollocks and bring up no solutions, 3rd world this, 3rd world that, all you are good for is venting on a forum! Lol Again, tell me your solutions, you have none, that's why you dodge the question. Lol
  2. But as I said, if you had a knife license why would it bother you if they pulled out your knife if they searched you? You are complaining about the inconvenience yet have just proposed stop & search on the streets, make your mind up?
  3. If you held a license why would it bother you if you got stopped? It would never happen because police wouldn't stop & search a man walking to an allotment. Stop & search would be deployed in our cities which is desperately needed. I don't want a knife license introduction, as you say, it won't really stop gang members carrying knives, harsher sentences will deter some though and that is a net win.
  4. Yeah because no white man has ever stabbed anyone have they, no white man has ever been involved in gang crime as well. So if you don't want to bring in knife restrictions, don't want to tackle gang culture, what do you suggest we do?
  5. You can't account for every permutation no, like anything. But introducing a knife license would be a start, more effort in to school programs pointing out it's severity, tackling gang culture, all options, but let's not do anything yeah?
  6. There's a big difference between carrying a knife to fit a carpet and carrying a knife to spill someone's guts all over the f***ing floor! And no, you don't send someone down for ten years for carrying a knife with no malicious intent, arresting bob the chef on his way to cutting up some steak is completely different to arresting a gangster on the street FFS. And if that's your major concern, how about a knife license, that would be too hard I take it? Ok, so if your only concern is the route cause then how about more effort in to tackling gang culture, there's a start?
  7. I had something similar, an old workmate I worked with about 6 year ago rang me out of the blue and asked if I'd heard what had happened to one of our old machine drivers. I asked if he'd just died but he told me to search is name on the net, here is the dirty b*****d. He'd been done for it before he started with our firm, I can't believe that they don't check for things like that, should have got a bullet! Sean Hamill – Leeds | UK Database UK-DATABASE.ORG October 2020 Sex offender from Leeds arrested after he set up meeting with ‘four-year-old gir
  8. We can always just moan about it and hope it goes away? Lol
  9. I don't care if they care about sentencing, the longer they are locked up the less they will be a menace to society. Wank governments yes, again which is why we need to rip up the sentencing guidelines and introduce harsher sentences for carrying knives. Of course that won't completely eradicate knife crime but it's better than moaning and saying nothing can be done.
  10. Which is why something needs to be done, and that includes new sentencing guidelines.
  11. Yes, exactly just that, ten years if caught with a knife, and life for murder!
  12. It will, the less on the street the better. If you are caught with a knife a straight ten year stretch, no half sentences!
  13. They have at least got to try and make a start somewhere and bring in harsher sentences for carrying weapons on the streets. It may not be the deterrent we imagine it would be but one less knife wielding scumbag off the street is a net win.
  14. Bloke I worked with from up Cumbria had a haulage company and got busted for rigging the tachos, got a few year in prison and lost everything, he can't have a house in his name or anything anymore, not sure how long this lasts for.
  15. Had they finished building Stonehenge by then mate?
  16. Roll on retirement time, only another 90 years to go.
  17. big feet


    No, but if the rumours are 16p a mile they can bring in 6p per mile and we would accept it, they are playing us.
  18. big feet


    They said they wouldn't cut the winter payment.
  19. How much do pigsties fetch these days mate?
  20. big feet


    Great idea, I'd set up a poll on whether folk believe in UK big cats and await your inevitable meltdown, it would bring in more viewers than the EastEnders Christmas special.
  21. big feet


    Wonder how many will be protesting when they introduce the 16p per mile car tax?
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