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big feet

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Everything posted by big feet

  1. This for me is not just the best dance track of all time, it's one of the best songs of all time!
  2. Worked last night and the sky was as clear as owt, didn't see it mate.
  3. big feet


    You didn't answer the question, what's the solution? Are you a politician mate? Lol
  4. big feet


    The only thing you can do is to vote for party that has policies that align with your views. If you don't think we should, what else do you suggest we do?
  5. big feet


    Hahahaha, come on then, what's your suggestions?
  6. This is a scene which I remember well, I remember watching it with my old man and was proper shocked lol.
  7. big feet


    What's everyone's thoughts on reform before funding for the NHS, many are surely supportive of this policy?
  8. Definitely agree with you there, but if you could source a genuine dogo I think they would make a great dog to go over a greyhound, what are they, a good 25 inch at least and the good ones are built like bull crosses.
  9. big feet


    How do you suggest we do that mate? No, the only thing that will make a change is in the ballot box, it's as simple as that.
  10. big feet


    Some good news to many on here? x.com X.COM
  11. big feet


    We are accountable though and a starter would be for folk to get off their arse and vote.
  12. Aeroplane just a hologram mate, what we saying?
  13. Roddy was the funniest. Lol
  14. He uses lightroom but the great thing about Canon they have their own free editing app and some argue it's just as good as Lightroom. The kid has a full frame camera so in theory it should give better images but in all comparisons my camera is rated higher. I will have to see the difference in reality, specs tell you nothing. But if I can shoot images like him I will cream my pants. Lol
  15. A shame rabbit takes like dog shit lol. Rabbit though is one of the best sources of protein you can find.
  16. I would say if you bred proper working dogo's with greyhounds you'd get some quality animals, they are much leggier than an APBT and some of the working strains are dynamite.
  17. It's a great interview, he's talking about Andre the Giant here, he's the last person you'd want to go in rounds with, could drink like a hoss.
  18. The cocaine was clearly great back then.
  19. A few years ago when I was walking on the old pit he asked me if he could take some pics of my dog, he must have just been starting out. I started following him on FB and have spoken to him, I'm gonna meet him and see what he thinks of the camera and it's settings, his pics are mint, he's got a Nikon D810 with a Sigma 200-600m lens, it's a full frame camera so has a bigger sensor and more MP, might ask to swap. Lol
  20. Might have been that Booker T from that era. Another story, Ken Shamrock the UFC fighter was almost beaten to death by a wrestler after a party in his hotel room. I bet shit like this happened all the time, steroids, booze & big ego's.
  21. Before my time the likes of Big Daddy & Giant Haystacks, it was the late 80's & early 90's when I got in to it, great entertainment.
  22. This kid lives near me and when you see images like this it makes you want to get in to it.
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