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big feet

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Everything posted by big feet

  1. I was talking about his moon landing theory lol.
  2. No, I asked why they didn't expose them. Are you saying that the Soviets were fooled, come on mate don't be silly? Lol
  3. So, if the Yanks faked it then why didn't the Soviets expose it given they were in a Cold War with each other and there was a big competition between the two to be the first to land on the moon?
  4. Yep, they are hard to get a read on. It can be the same with other dogs, they don't really give a tell before they grab hold of something. I think that's why people are wary of them, I'd rather have a quiet dog than a yapper and barker, they drive me up the wall. Lol
  5. @mC HULL Does yours let you change the object colour between black & white, I know some do.
  6. Now I've grown up I've just got myself a good camera, nearly fainted when I saw the price of lenses. Lol
  7. That depends how big the object it's looking at, you'd see an elephant a few mile away from a good vantage point but you'd struggle to see a shrew after a few hundred meters. Lol
  8. It will be seeing the infrared radiation, which is essentially heat. The moon will be absorbing a lot of heat from the sun, which is reflected back in to space.
  9. My great nan can see the moon and she's blind as feck lol. What are you trying to say pal, spit it out? Lol
  10. That it can't be real because it's giving off heat? I think he's forgotten what's shining on it, something called the sun. Lol
  11. That's what I like about Akitas, they very rarely bark at all, I can't remember the last time my dog barked. I hate dogs that yap and bark constantly.
  12. WMD, Bush & Blair said so.
  13. That looks like someone's thrown an egg at a tree and missed?
  14. Bollocks, no such thing, it was a demolition job set up and prepared without anyone noticing. Lol
  15. Just collect them from the woods instead mate? Lol
  16. Yes mate, I did a one nighter last month and now takes me ages to recover, mind you I was in better nick than our lasses brother, we lost him and security found him under the stage off his chops. Hahaha
  17. I like it all mate but that song stands out for me, even more when you're gurning lol.
  18. That's subjective, I think it could be, name me better. Stick to Flip & Fill. Lol
  19. Get your ears cleaned out mate..lol
  20. These are some images taken by my camera.
  21. I've been asked to go to Tomorrowland next year in Belgium, not feeling it but who knows lol.
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