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big feet

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Everything posted by big feet

  1. No idea pal. Every time I've visited I've loved it, walking down the cities and no undesirables in sight, you feel as safe as houses out with the kids. Move away from the city and you have land to die for, our lasses cousin has a right good job, he's a building engineer, got a beautiful pad on the outskirts of the city, when we visited I saw all the wild boar on the edge of the woods near him. The difficult thing is finding work, obviously it can't be all rosy because of just that, there's been a lot of corruption don't kid yourself. As I said, if I could speak the language better a
  2. If I could speak the language fluently and find a job I'd move over there in a heartbeat. If you buy a house or land you can do whatever the hell you like with it, f**k planning permission. Lol
  3. I never dated your lass mate, i just smashed her back doors in! Lol
  4. Bingo, so this amazing idea of Brexit was a massive failure, people coming over to work have been largely replaced by asylum seekers, fantastic.
  5. Time for TRT limp dick....
  6. Karen off FB or a nurse, who would I rather listen to.....
  7. Why white Muslim converts are always ginger?
  8. The woke snowflakes probably got him banned for something.
  9. Aren't you that dreamer that claimed he bought a lurcher pup only for it to come out you'd bought a a fat lab? Stay off the newkie will you or I'll get Max to threaten you again.
  10. I can't be arsed to tell you for the millionth time but I'll make it short and sweet and hopefully it will sink in. We know the vaccine doesn't prevent all deaths from COVID so here's a little example, 1000 people get the vaccine, 500 catch the virus, 3 unfortunately die. Looking at the stats 100% of the deaths would be of the vaccinated. In even simpler terms, correlation does not imply causation.
  11. No, it clearly doesn't Francie, anyone is free to click on the link and see for themselves.
  12. The link opens this, not the bollocks you pasted mate. Lol
  13. Not in their mind it isn't, Francie has been shown the light by many posters and still he refuses to believe.
  14. I read the copy and pasted drivel yes. Lol
  15. The facts that you posted with links that didn't even say what you copy and pasted, great scientific research there pal, I'll give you an A for effort. Lol
  16. 99 percent are true in the eyes of the conspiracy theorists who want it to be true. Who gets to decide what's true or not?
  17. You're jive talking Father Ted, must be the lack of carbs? Lol
  18. 1917, started off quite well but ended up a little too clichéd for me in the end, reminded me of something the BBC would put together.
  19. Now I can see why you needed TRT, how long have you been a homo mate?
  20. You can tell, on nights all week and the weather is wank. The truth is there though mate, folk who didn't have the vaccine are obsessing over it. Why are they bothered, it's not them who's going to die a painful & lingering death. Lol
  21. Sure it did mate, and you were on here nosying for a stud well before it was 2 year old, that i do know ya walloper. As for second class stamp, that would be too much knowledge for you to take in, don't flatter yourself.
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