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Everything posted by leeclackster

  1. course fishing tackle match seat box with legs polerest shimano float rod two shimano reels cost me 45 quid each loads of floats hooks feeders trolley umbrella holdall landing net and pole netbag and other bits quid or offers collection only its wotrh the asking price just 4 the box alone SORRY SOLD TO SKOLSORRY SOLD TO SKOLSORRY SOLD TO SKOLSORRY SOLD TO SKOLSORRY SOLD TO SKOLSORRY SOLD TO SKOLSORRY SOLD TO SKOLSORRY SOLD TO SKOLSORRY SOLD TO SKOLSORRY SOLD TO SKOLSORRY SOLD TO SKOLSORRY SOLD TO SKOL untitled.bmp
  2. mate fighting dogs is pure cruelty ive seen it done and its is wrong so i did say chuck it but dont listen shit to me 50 quid is 50 quid
  3. well done it payed off nuff said what do you recon mal
  4. devo take it to a gunsmith mate you dont wanna ruin that nice piece of equipment' you will only be gutted when you f**k the rifling up
  6. yes i have had 1 of these in camo right' so what sort of cash
  7. ok john i keep things to myself
  8. tommrows fine anytimes good for me its for me lad
  9. when could i come look and is it accurate some have barrel problemo but if shes a good 1 i will defentley be intrested hi i live in derby i know borrowash i can come ave a look plse hi mate just give me a ring on 07967530903 i was using it with a different scope and silencer but ive brought a new rifle and put the scope and silencer on my oldest lads rat stopper with a good scope its very accurate do want to meet on swarkstone bridge mate as coming from swadlincote
  10. nice gun but im not sure about .25 but how much u want fo it buddy
  11. should be on the left hand side of the gun just at the end of fore stock
  13. agreed its been 1 long topic and i only wanted to show my springers to all
  14. i love them allways cheers mate
  15. when could i come look and is it accurate some have barrel problemo but if shes a good 1 i will defentley be intrested hi i live in derby i know borrowash i can come ave a look plse
  16. yes mal i know what you mean i dont usally shoot pheasent
  17. when could i come look and is it accurate some have barrel problemo but if shes a good 1 i will defentley be intrested
  18. let me tell you all now its acutually down to the land owner if they dont mind its not in any way against the law and a pheasent may have to be in flight or of the groung for a shotgun shooter but not for me an airgun shooter if you dint beleave me that iys legal read airgun hunting by john darling oh then theres pete wadson they both say its fine in there books as long as the land owner is ok with it its legal check it out ive just looked in wadsons book trying to find now but its in front of me now john darling says its down to the land owner and that my friend is good enough for me
  19. let me tell you all now its acutually down to the land owner if they dont mind its not in any way against the law and a pheasent may have to be in flight or of the groung for a shotgun shooter but not for me an airgun shooter if you dint beleave me that iys legal read airgun hunting by john darling oh then theres pete wadson they both say its fine in there books as long as the land owner is ok with it its legal check it out ive just looked in wadsons book trying to find now but its in front of me now john darling says its down to the land owner
  20. let me tell you all now its acutually down to the land owner if they dont mind its not in any way against the law and a pheasent may have to be in flight or of the groung for a shotgun shooter but not for me an airgun shooter if you dint beleave me that iys legal read airgun hunting by john darling oh then theres pete wadson they both say its fine in there books as long as the land owner is ok with it its legal check it out
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