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Everything posted by Moochersways

  1. Cheers yeah iv got plenty of vet wrap on hand so I'll just wrap it now when ever I run him hopefully won't be a problem
  2. I was half tempted to just whack it off when it happened tbf as it was just hanging by a bit of skin but it knitted back together fine.....I'll just vet wrap it when I run him just paranoid about it going again last thing I want is him laid up in the season
  3. So....just after a few opinions, my lurcher injured his carpal pad around 3 months back it was pretty much hanging off, vet wrapped and purple sprayed for around a month and lead walks for 2 months, all good now and healed up, but anyone had this happen then had it go again? Will it be a weak point in the future? Should I just now wrap it everytime he runs as precaution? Cheers in advance
  4. Had a couple frosts down here last week n now back to hot again hopefully have some decent cold snaps this year, last season cover was a nightmare here......looks like you've had a goodun tho
  5. Yeah you couldn't live off of them far to lean
  6. Yep.....notice you don't see any survival shows on tv anymore I'm sure they don't want people to know how to live if times get hard, but yeah your right with the cost of living now I think if you can supplement yourself off the land with a few free meals and know how to prep game it's handy, hungry, cold skint people are easy to control
  7. I really don't understand it, I can put vids up of the dog catching rabbits or me shooting Squirrels ect and it's fine soon as I put a skinning/game prep vid up the won't monetise it
  8. Stay tuned for the next vid then mate I'll post a few threads so ya don't miss it
  9. You whine worse than an old woman I have a job youtube is just an extra, are you angry because you never get out? Jealousy is a terrible thing I'm sorry your so weak your triggered by it
  10. Yes my channel is monetised, stuff like skinning vids get demonetised but all my ferreting/lamping/shooting vids have been fine
  11. I'm not fussed couple grown men throwing there toys out the pram over a video a view is a view to me won't stop me
  12. What's your address mate ill post you your medal
  13. Tbf we don't have many places to bolt to the dogs, massive hedges longnet either side with a couple dogs in the middle
  14. The whole point is not letting any get away was just a lil warren they wanted clearing at a horse yard
  15. Meh we caught the rabbits no digs so I'm not gonna get anal about it
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