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Everything posted by Moochersways

  1. I'm not fussed couple grown men throwing there toys out the pram over a video a view is a view to me won't stop me
  2. What's your address mate ill post you your medal
  3. Tbf we don't have many places to bolt to the dogs, massive hedges longnet either side with a couple dogs in the middle
  4. The whole point is not letting any get away was just a lil warren they wanted clearing at a horse yard
  5. Meh we caught the rabbits no digs so I'm not gonna get anal about it
  6. Wish the ground was softening here still like bloody concrete out sat on a new bit of ground with the ferrets be good to be back out!! Good luck with your season
  7. Cheers there will be plenty more to come should have a ferreting vid up in next couple weeks
  8. Just don't look at it then you moaning like an old woman is pretty boring tbf
  9. No not a small dog it's hard to tell on a video tbf
  10. I just enjoy my rabbiting lads nothing else interests me as long as my dog can mop up the bunnies I'm happy
  11. Yeah he's fine haven't noticed a difference apart from a dropped toe but that doesn't seem to effect him
  12. Morning everyone just thought I'd drop a link to a video on my youtube channel, .410.squirrel shooting, there's a few more shooting vids on there as well as ferreting, lamping, trapping ect fieldsports in general nothing fancy just us getting out doing what we love....check out the channel loads more to come
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