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Everything posted by suluki

  1. thats about the age he started chasing 5/6 months. are you salukis cruise line 2??
  2. nice dogs you have there looks like they done the bizz. your lurcher looks good and strong. great pics!!
  3. its worth a try il tel him! but the fella he bought him off said not to rush things with him. he said salukis are slow coming on? he's got the makings of a good dog its just the strike!!
  4. hope your dogs ok mate!! im sure he will be!!
  5. feck me 26" at 5 and a half months old!! is it a pure deerhound!!!
  6. the litter i bred dam>24 1/2" sire>25" the smalest pup turned out 22" the biggest pup is 27"
  7. what a strike on that last rabbit!! he looks like hes coming on realy well mate keep it up!!!!
  8. hes tryed every thing. he duz run better with another dog but he still wont pick up! hes tryed tying a dead rabbit to a dog lead and runing around with it, agen he'l chase but wont touch.
  9. yes mate poacher9991 has got papers for him and hes cruise of shildon line!
  10. yes mate he is serious he wont touch a thing. he'l chase but wont pick up. and hes all over rabbit when he runs them.
  11. theres some in this weeks countrymans weekly. in south nottingham.
  12. he always does do well [bANNED TEXT] the runs go on! hes defo got the blow. and hes got the speed its just the strike, whats up with the serial killer? is he cut? did you run the old girl?
  13. good breeding and hes a hansome dog but hes a dumb arse, and you are forgetting not many dogs stick with you 16month old dog!!!!!!
  14. mate of mine had a beddy/grey and his staffy got to her, she had the pups and they turned ok a bit slow being only 1/4 grey i supose they would be. !! strong looking dogs you have there doran,
  15. realy nice pups you have there! exelent pics to nice one!!
  16. nice one mate thats just what young pups need plenty of easy kills bost there confidents and make them feel unstopable. gives them all the more hart in the end. did she get bit or not?
  17. i found my self chearing for the hares all the way through that!! is that bad or what??
  18. nice bag mate well done! what breed are your dogs the white bitch is a spit of my old bitch!
  19. smart looking animal you have there!
  20. i had the same trouble with my light force. even my dogs got p*ssed offin the end. i went home and striped it right down so l had 2 wires going from the battery to the switch then to the bulb. no fuses no fancy connections. its been fine for years!
  21. nice dog in fine shape! hope you find a good home for him!
  22. that is one nice bitch you have there mate. fine example of the breed!!!
  23. hello mate hows it goin finaly got round to gettin on here. i can give you boys sum stick now lol!!! just bin checking out you bird picks looks like hes doin real well mate.
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