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Everything posted by suluki

  1. mate this fella will run any one in the country!
  2. should be! mitchlu where bouts you from mate?
  3. yes mate shes the mutts nutts! the lads say this new bitch is good to! but the fella that bought the new bitch used to own the other lads bitch and he payed £4700 for her!
  4. day time mate! two fellas that i used to cource with! matching each other one of them has just bought a new bitch for 3grand suposed to be a very good bitch! but she will need to be something very special to beat the other fellas bitch!!
  5. good news on storm picking up mate! mitchlu. i dont think the lads will post on a web site where they have been coursing! poacher i might be going on a bet this weekend!
  6. nice looking dogs there fella good luck with the pups!!!
  7. at realy hot places i keep my dog on a short lead and run every thing with the dog. :wacko: im defnatly rabbit fit now but i keep jacking on the hares!!! and if the farmer comes i dont have to chase my mutt round the field trying to get her back! you guys should try it! no need for slip leads eather!!
  8. nice one mate you wont go wrong taking your time with her! well done!!
  9. i have three dogs due to the fields being that flinty and some times i have to go and get my brothers dog because all three of mine are layed up!! so i might get a forth!!
  10. nice strong looking dogs fella!!!
  11. do you think they will be up and at them dogs or fen plodders?
  12. year mate coming on really well. sory for delay glad to hear it mate! how are they bred agen??
  13. well done mate thats a good bag! whats the breeding of the dogs? ATB suluki
  14. sorry to hear about your loss! your little pup looks a real topper hope she dose every thing you ask of her! ATB suluki!!!
  15. have you got a pic of the sire? what sizes are the dam and the sire?? thanks
  16. 1 out of 3 mabe 2 no more very bad feet???? fred dog are you talking about the ice dog showed in the pic above?
  17. u had your pups out on rabbit yet caspa?
  18. have to say didnt expect it to look like that! very nice! have to agree with gtomo would be good to see a greyhound or a whipet/grey put back over her!
  19. ive got the ice at stud to approved bitches on his day he was one of the best single handed match dogs in the country hes line bred sweet by chocolate and charlie breeding nice dog brookie! how old is he now and how big? could he kill hares in small ish fields to?
  20. Don't have much experience of 1/2 x but this 3/4 bitch worked well for me Don't have any pics on charlie, but she had a few a while back whats she like on day time hare and lamped hares??
  21. class looking pup mate! good luck with him, keep us posted on his progress!
  22. so shes 1/4 saluki 1/4 whipet 1/2 gery! dose she run day time hares?
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