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Everything posted by BIGPETE

  1. WOW!!!! I am new to this site but not to hunting,shooting,fishing or trapping and I have never seen such a reaction to one reply to an over priced for sale item. Take a chill pill fellas. Me and a friend used to keep/breed ferrets, we had a converted portacabin with a huge external, caged run. All the ferrets were worked and regularly sold but £5 to £8 was the going rate. Not sure what it is today but £15 seems a bit steep, the silvers could bring good money but I can see where this guy is coming from though, I had some fantastic workers and to be fair £15 wouldn't have tempted me to sel
  2. Got a gen 1 rifle scope that I use with a rapid 7, copes extemely well with bunnie shooting and the I.R beam picks out the eyes of everything for 100 yards so I have no qualms in telling you that you can devistate any rabbit,rat or fox population. The only weird thing is the one dilated pupil when you take the scope away from your eye, but you get used to it pretty quickly. Loaned mine to a friend who had it mounted on his 22-250 and was doing some fox work. He loved it but said it suffered scope creep after 6 rounds so depending what calibre you will be using, check the mounts !
  3. Thats some tally Deker, Ive not had a go at the tree rats for a while now, I used to shoot a few for a friend who grew Christmas trees, he said they played havoc with the saplings, but I used to think that I had done well with a dozen! I dont think I have ever seen that many come off one shoot over such a short period. Very well done mate.
  4. Plenty of venison there mate . Good shooting Good shooting there, sounder. Well done
  5. Just a quick hello to all on this particular forum, I recently moved up to the North East from Yorkshire and had to leave behind my shooting land/contacts so I am desperately missing the bit of shooting I used to so enjoy, that was mainly air rifle shooting for rabbits,corvids and woodies so I have posted in the appropriate section in the hope of a chance for a morning out this winter. More pertinent to this forum is my recent discovery of deer stalking, I have had a couple of very good outings on the Anwick estate, that was the taster which was a while ago now and was a pre curser to the


    No probs Tyla, the main thing is that the intention is there, thanks anyway.


    What a fantastic and kind offer and thank you very much but I think I should have been a bit clearer, I am in the North East of England, nr Newcastle. Mind you, my other half is a Scot, from up near Kincardine. Totally fed up now as I don't expect too many offers like that ! Thank you once again and sorry that I can't take you up on your offer. Pete.
  8. Just a quick hello to you all, I recently moved up to the North east from Yorkshire and have sadly left behind my contacts/shooting land. Found this forum and thought it might be a way to back back in touch with some likeminded people who in time may be able to help me get back into a sport that I miss. I have in storage a rapid 7 mark1 that has accounted for hundreds of rabbits,corvids and woodies over the years and I would dearly love to be able to find somewhere that would allow me a winter morning walk with the chance of a rabbit for the pot. Any way, time will tell but for now hello to yo
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