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Everything posted by confused

  1. I think the "man" that started the thread might just be able to make some decent wires ,hence the reason for the thread ?? but i might be wrong ,as the name says "confused" and what would i know?
  2. Sorry all nares now gone Geordie. thats a shame ,i was fair looking forward to getting some for tying ma roses up !
  3. For what it's worth i was brought up on a farm, had most animals at some stage or another, and have grown veg all my life , and my opinion on "dung" is ;- all of it should really be left in a compost heap for a year to get the best benefit from it ,most bird manure is pretty high in nitrogen, and tends to make things above the ground grow ,leaves etc, horse,cow,sheep,goat etc great stuff,when about a year old and dug into the ground over a few years the fertility will soar, pig manure is pretty "cold" manure but high in iron minerals and also good for the ground in the longer term, Almost a
  4. just put it at the end where the beans are going they love it !
  5. thanks, i fancy that idea my aviary is 4x3 inside and about 6x5 outside ,so on the sq/ft of yours i should be ok for 3wee ones which would be fine ,produce a few fresh eggs, and not much cost or muck! just enough for the composter . i presume that bramha's are not much bigger than good sized pigeons. thanks for your help,it's much appreciated
  6. what size of aviary do you have and how many bantams?
  7. She will settle, start her off when you around ,then you can check her if it gets noisy, then she will soon get the drift,and realise that you have not run away, i've never had one that did'nt settle, and that includes some a lot older than 4/5 month.
  8. will try asda , further to walk ! but i'm used to walking miles for nothing !!!!!
  9. I think 25% of the posts are from "hunters " who hunt the forums ! still got the wee nobbly bits on the bottom of there boots ,nae rips in the cammos, tears in the eye's from the cold ,skin off the knuckles trying tae get out that "bloody" hedge, sore eyes reading how "to get my dog fit" instead oh thinking "christ , he/she will be no be looking for much of a walk the night/morning ,thank ---- cause i'm knackered as well , aye there are a lot of 20/30, 5 out of 5, just a quick 1/2dozen, hunters on these forums , i feel i'm in the minority, walk for hours just to get "our" dinner some days, oth
  10. Top post ! made me smile on a cold, dreary,miserable ,bleak,wet,???? day
  11. Why go for a cross when you know what you get with a pure bred ? labs v spaniel ? well you answered your own question when you said most of the dogs on your shoot are labs and you liked them, if your a novice and dont have a bundle of time and enthusiasum stay away from the spaniel, they are great but harder to control . As regards the labs with the dodgy temprament ,well it just beggars believe that anyone with any sense would breed from a dog who was dodgy! money grabbers /puppy farmers ,not my cup of tea, best way is talk to your mates who have something you like and find the history/source
  12. Oh you are a laugh ! ! but as long as you signed ,thats ok.
  13. Great link, saved a lot of time ,signed and e-mailed all my mates to sign as well !
  14. Yes,yesYES ,you are correct ,i am confused, it says that on my name , and again you are correct about the whiskEy, Jamesons/or better still a wee drop of the dew !!! mmmmm,i can taste it now but you are buy'n ,cheers i'm of for a bunny
  15. you bring the whiskey (irish) i'll make the curry!
  16. They go off the lay in the shorter days ,too short a day and a bit cold , have kept them all my life, i usually buy some ex battery birds and after they have moulted they get a new lease of life for a year loving the good life, then they end up as chicken curry!!
  17. i saw a web site and they were being kept in cages/hutches like rabbit hutches ? anyone ever done that? any info? i fancy a wee try at a few ,for the oven, what about feeding ,i know you canbuy small grains but always looking for a wee bargain? ie:=chicks eat scraps ,and veg.
  18. Have lived in the country for 58 years ,ny old man used his old spuds , i have ,must have been lucky ,i'm 58, my old man was 87??
  19. A real smart looking dog, i used to have 3/4 whippet x 1/4 bed ,same markings and looked real whippy, he used to take take them just as they were going of the ground , a real wee pot filler.
  20. Well my name says it all i've thought about this question ,and still puzzeled as to what you really want ? a spanielx looks a good bet for you , any terrier will want to go to ground if it wants to work, my mother had a poodle who fell in love with whippet/bed, now ! maybe that would have the answer , clever, fast,game, and never cast a hair ! great for inside a tent or anyone with allergy's !!
  21. I bet your pleased to know it works !!!!!!!!! well done !
  22. Thanks to everyone who said hi ! this site has rekindelled all my old interests the only problem is i dont know where to start first !!!!!!!!!!! i cant wait to get the old wellies and togs out the shed !
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