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Everything posted by Pewit

  1. You don't have to use Google to understand the concept of gravity mate. Lol
  2. Mate, I answer your questions and then you move on to the next. As Charts said, there's just no convincing some folk, you gotta be on a piss take surely? Lol
  3. Surely you have heard of that thing called gravity mate? Lol
  4. That wouldn't happen either, Newton's First Law of Motion.
  5. Because if you were on a plane you'd be feeling the resistance of the air and the wind FFS, you and mC have gotta be the same account? Lol
  6. The fact that they are travelling at a relative motion and they are in a place with no air resistance perhaps? Lol
  7. I can't believe a multi billion-dollar organisation didn't think of that, crazy isn't it? Lol
  8. Yep, NASA spends billions a year to try and fake this and they forget to remove simple props like wires.
  9. Eh? Are you claiming that it's all a hoax and people are hanging upside down in a make shift space station by wires for the show? Lol
  10. I can't believe people still believe we landed on the moon ffs, the world is full of gullible people. Can't people remember that time the Soviets used it as propaganda during the Cold War....
  11. Are those figures right mate? Lol I'm not sure, it appears that way but it could be just a case of the government taking more of our liberties in general?
  12. I think what they are getting at is that it outcrossing them to a greyhound or lurcher doesn't in any way have an impact on the breed. It's not as though these lurchers are then used in the box.
  13. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/london-attack-imans-no-funeral-prayers-terrorists-refuse-500-muslim-clerics-islam-isis-burial-khuram-butt-rachid-redouane-youssef-zaghba-a7776861.html
  14. You said Tibetan Mastiff? Yeah, it looks like the dog got a hold of the snoz box and the leopard didn't like it one bit. Lol
  15. Where is your evidence that all Muslims celebrate when they commit terrorist attacks in the UK? Is it a case of trust me bro? Lol
  16. That's not a Tibetan Mastiff. Lol
  17. I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about the moderate Irish Catholics that were living in Britain during the Troubles. It's funny how outraged you get when people generalise but you are one of the first to do it.
  18. I can't actually believe you think we should have deported hundreds of thousands of Irish Catholics from Britain because of the IRA mate, madness.
  19. You'll have likely seen the Tibetan Mastiff tangling with a Snow Leopard mate.
  20. Even one of the most extremist revolutionaries, Tom Barry later condemned the actions of the IRA when they started bombing pubs and killing civilians, but yeah, all the moderates knew about all the planned future attacks and celebrated them.
  21. What's the got to do with the deportation of all the catholic Irish because of the IRA? Lol
  22. I don't believe that, some extremists may have known but I very much doubt the moderates knew.
  23. I don't follow that logic mate, unless you are implying that the Irish public over here knew of any imminent IRA attacks? I mean how do we know that the moderate Irish weren't horrified by the IRA attacks?
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