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Everything posted by Pewit

  1. Didn't know you lamped with Bin Laden's son?
  2. Yes, along with more funding. They haven't only just forgotten how to manage it, mismanagement has likely been an area needing improvement for decades.
  3. And yet our per capita health spending is lower than most of the developed world. It may not be perfect but it delivers 2nd class healthcare on a 3rd class budget.
  4. Why would you say it is mate?
  5. The NHS hasn't always been in these dire straits, do you think it's just a coincidence that with the chronic underfunding by the Tories that it's now at its worst?
  6. Quick search says around 180 billion, go on? Lol
  7. I was out working son during COVID whilst you were claiming the benefits that I payed for. You should be offering me a blow job at least! Lol
  8. Always the optimist you, so you would prefer to pay even less tax and have even poorer services because they sure as hell won't give us a better service with less tax revenue. The issue real issue you have isn't that taxes don't work, it's how the government manages and allocates those funds.
  9. That's a choice! Nobody is forcing anyone to live beyond their means.
  10. So what do you do then? How do you go about your life?
  11. When did I say that governments don't waste some of our tax money, blame the player not the game. Again, where did I say I'm wanting to pay more tax, I said I would be willing to pay more tax providing services like the NHS were improved.
  12. They're not, so who's going to pay for our services, welfare, education, health care? Without government involvement these services might not be accessible to all, I thought you were sympathetic towards those on the bottom rung?
  13. So, you're saying taxes aren't necessary? Interesting.
  14. I don't like paying tax on anything but I know it's essential in the reality of that thing called life.
  15. Be no c**t in any pub soon, everyone's getting sent down.
  16. That's it, smoking and a sedentary lifestyle is a recipe for disaster.
  17. A few more lads I know have just been sentenced, worked with one for over ten years, ex squaddie, sentenced to 2 years 6 months for basically f**k all, madness. Another pal, 64 up for sentencing on Friday at Sheffield Crown Court, I expect nothing less than 2 year, Stasi b*****ds.
  18. Blonde haired fella. It's a unit of a dog but small for that breed but it's a nicely put together animal. No bother as well, he walks it off the lead and it's sound with other dogs.
  19. The Boerboels I've seen are of sound nature. There's a bloke who's on FB from Scotland who's got one and it's a lovely natured dog, placid as anything, would be a great family dog.
  20. Are you in the utility class mate? Lol
  21. We'll come down, I think you'll get best in class.
  22. Never been in Sheffield to catch it mate.
  23. You told me you got it from Sheffield, must have been another. If you see your dogs on Paki council estates then it's no surprise you've been put off, It wouldn't even think of buying a dog from them.
  24. Didn't yours have a purple rinse? Must have had Frenchie in it or something.
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