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Marty O Hare

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About Marty O Hare

  • Rank
    Born Hunter

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  • Location
    West Durham
  1. My old Beddy X used to get the odd few when it was allowed, he's 13 now and layed in front of the fire as I type. Best alround dog I've had. A big fella He wasn't as good as our old saluki on the hares tho More suited to this type of work
  2. I have 2 Cream Legbars spare, about 20 weeks old, should lay some shade of blue eggs. Near Crook. £10 Each or £15 for the 2.
  3. Good website, well laid out. I imagine most people prefer domestic mole jobs to farms. Could be wrong tho. As has been said price on mole jobs depends on area and what people are used to / willing to pay. Aslong as all costs are covered including fuel / time for returning to check traps and your making a profit and the customers pleased, then happy days.
  4. Nice pic. Remember doing some tree work in a park in Liverpool that had two or three in the pond/lake, supposed to have been there years. What part of the country you at ?
  5. As part of my job I do alot of mole trapping on floodbanks and land by the rivers edge that is regularly underwater, the moles seem to come back with a vengance after a flood. Probably due to the damp earth filled with worms as has been mentioned.
  6. I like the ones from "the flat pack" https://www.theflatpack.co.uk/merchantmanager/product_info.php?products_id=27 Recently tried some with "albi" printed on the side of them and they are absolute rubbish. Just my opinion of course. But its seems when it comes to tunnel traps theirs a load of cheap and nasty ones about. Cheers
  7. I ordered 4 traps from Steve a few months back and did'nt get stung for import duties or anything like that. Good little traps, different from our usuall scissor and duffus type, as said very light. I must remember to take a picture of the next mole I catch in one. Cheers
  8. Cheers for the post and pics, bet you were well happy with the results
  9. I have an english pointer, he's getting on a bit now tho. He has an excellent nose and points then flushes well, but does not go pounding through the cover like a spaniel would, tending more to use his nose before rushing in and if he does'nt smell anything then he moves on. English pointers are more suited to open fields and mooreland than say working thick brambles wear a spaniel would be better suited. However english pointers can and do work brambles well but i recon a spaniel is better for this. I have used mine for beating out a mixture of cover and ground over the years an
  10. Cheers for the reply talpa, think I might have to get a couple to check out. ( big kid ) Shame the pound and dollar exchange does'nt work out well for us at the moment, they work out canny expensive. Its my birthday soon anyway lol.
  11. Hi all, I've read a post or two that mentions the trapline mole trap and found the manufacturers site, showing decent video's of the trap in action. I realise it can only be used one way and two would need to be set in a through tunnel. Just wondering if anybody in the UK has tried them out and if they were any good ? Also would it be legal to use them over here in the UK ? I like the look of the trap and fancied getting a couple to have a look at, but realise the good old half barrel and scissor traps will take some beating. Cheers.
  12. Good pics, like the albino / ginger mole. I'm off to check a few tunnel and scissor traps now. BBB, is an ermin another term for a white stoat, nice work anyway. I seen one years back working a ditch line near altcar when I was out with the dogs, I let it be. Was nice to see though. Whear abouts inthe NE are you ? The lads at work were saying they used to drop "stuff" (sorry) off for a lad at weardale.
  13. Could be the hob ferret let a bit out of his scent/anal glands, that would be a pretty rotten smell.
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