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Everything posted by AL BUNDY

  1. good publicity for tourism for the castle.
  2. the lads only getting his dog fit incase he bumps into one of them foxdogcats


    well heres one for you why are you choking that bird SWORE at me had to teach it a lesson that was the right thing to do .never let a bird swear at you


    well heres one for you why are you choking that bird
  5. by the responce from some of yous whos cleaning your catch
  6. instead of costing you,s 150 it should be costing him his job. this is the kind of thing you shouldnt let go .
  7. whether its a wind up or not it looks like a lot of posters would bend over if a keeper told them. as for it being just six chickens the next time somebody asks for help with a chicken killer a suppose youl tell them just buy some more there cheap enough .
  8. send him the bill for the chickens .


    too cartoony if your going to pay good money get it real to life
  10. wheres a good forest fire when you need one.
  11. should have punched his face to pulp. my old mans 77 and still training 5 year ago he was running 5 mls to the gym then doing couple hours training .bad mistake underestimating these old guys as that twat found out.
  12. what would you do if someone flicked you on the nose. there was a fella up here used to hit his dog across the face with the ferret to break them to each other mabye he will get a part on that show.
  13. anybody that eats that is just a greedy b*****d . dont care how big they are.
  14. same thing happened here built all the walls then realised there dumper was inside.
  15. will that kreet fella not help you out he was looking for an oppertunity like this helping out .right enough might need to make a bigger for sale section.
  16. AL BUNDY


    got it in one.but it supposedly saves money .what about the f****r that raped the two year old they tried to keep it quite two weeks before it hit the media he wasnt long out for killing a ninety year old. said it on here before i know someone who drives about looking for houses that are for sale to put these scum in.
  17. same story crops up every year i know a ranger that works there he says most of their lies are not true . must be some dog that can butcher deer.
  18. dont be sorry if you offend cause deep down if their offended means they know their arseholes
  19. i wonder if its the same thing i know. anyway heres onefor you vet in carluke told a woman to phone back in an hour as her dog would be out the anesthetic she phoned back only to be told the dog had died . long story short a month later shes meets the trainer from the obedience classes tells him her story . he tells her he was in the vets that night and the dog ran out the door and was killed by a car. the vet billed her for £ 700
  20. the thing about barbed wire it serves no purpose if an animal takes it into its head it wants on the other side it gets there over /through or whatever
  21. wasnt robb from m/well or robbing b*****d ashe was better known
  22. classic quote from a shooter from dunsyre .is that the poachers mummy. i think he was about thirty.
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