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Everything posted by matulkoh

  1. hi lads, tried to get in touch with Lawrence, David, i need a stud for my bitch. Lawrence s dog from SWJ looks very promising, i d like to breed with him. Also Davids og looks great, bit too big but proved himself as a good dog.i wanna breed with good proved dog, proved in earth on charlie.
  2. both mate, it s from special material, custom made protection, mostly use for driven hunts on wild boar
  3. today i was speaking to guy who bought a beddy dog whose sire was my dog, he nearly lost him last year to a badger, he got home after 6 days. this summer he wasnt so lucky. dog runaway with his companion jagterrier, jag came back the beddy didn t. he was a hell good earth dog and great on wild boars.
  4. any news with y dogs lads? we are just starting season, so i hope my dogs ll have enough work. Mato
  5. No problemo, a friend from Sweden came in the sumer for 3 dogs few pint of beer and drived back. y welcome. just make a trip with some lads buy a dog or two, we ll train a bit on boars and foxes/ badger.
  6. y just need to come to Slovakia, city Bratislava.
  7. also for a earth work i can show y the work of parents, extremly hard dogs.
  8. I would also like to hear from anyone working Welsh Terriers - have they all gone to the beauty parlour or are there still strains worth having? there are plenty of them here in Slovakia, there also in Czech, Polland, Russia
  9. The site is polish but Dúvadirtó Jojo is Hun. the breeder Ferencz Kulcar died last year in car crash.
  10. the bitch made a big progress, she bolted 2 foxes, superb nose on blood trail, great on wild boar so we decided to breed her. tere was couple guys interested in pups i think one was Donnie but i lost the contact, it s written that he is deleted member. do y know him lads. thnx
  11. what would you need a quick beddy for? you dont need a quick patterdale. why cant the bedlington fellas who breed workers (not just bushing) call the beddy something else. whart i dont know but the end off the day the workers are hybrids what a wise man, mine are pure FCI beddies from working strain. but keep coming info.
  12. Not all dogs mate and i agree about time the beddys came back in. You have my number if you want to ring for a chat any time. I dont mean an arsie chat i mean a chat about beddys you may be able to advise me on this pup i am getting mate what to add, if d be in sport and breeding y would find the way how to tes the dog witout breaking the law, if y wanna chance take your dogs come down here to slovakia and i ll take y out to test on fox, we can drive to Austria to work badgers and i ll give y chance to test dogs in artificial den. terrier terra earth, my westie is great bushing do
  13. just a question, why do y think she is a working dog? why plenty of lads think thez got a workin terrier if it does bushing? if z wanna bushing dog buy a spaniel, working terrier is the one which is working down in earth foxes, badgers, martens,...... and if it does on surface wild boars, rows, reds, ducks.... it s plus for the owner. so if she didnt past the test down in earth for several times she is not WORKING TERRIER
  14. i hope this year d be more successful, still looking for hunters interested in such a hunt. Matej
  15. thanks for that see i dont do much of it i hunt lurchers at big ears Penny can t call them working ones if they do not work the charlie in earth, and y don t know if theyll until y made few digs with them.
  16. how many foxes did they work in earth? nice dogs Lawrence y got there. Good work SWJ. matej
  17. how big he is? can y send me his pedigree scaned on my mail please. why dont y work him on fox? rabbiting and ratting is hard to consider as a work for terrier.
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