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Everything posted by matulkoh

  1. i will which one is the best? give some web address, what y think about deben products?
  2. i wanna know your opinion on locators, in my country nobody use locator, hunters are sayin that barking dog is the best locator, and also that dog can catch on the root and would not be able to dig out and fight so it can be injured.
  3. what to say, i m completely satisfied with my dog, he is great in his work, superb on wild pigs great under ground, goes down , try to drive off the fox and if not he kill it.
  4. you re write, our blood lines are more agressive, they re same as jags at the beginning of the 20th century when they were found
  5. Is it the K.C registered that are bigger in general and used more for on top work or are there K.C. dogs out there that conform to standard ie less than 16" that are perfoming well to ground? I asked the question as it brings on discussion, keeps the thread going etc etc... I've had big dogs myself, from small 15" bitch... What I see is this, imho and as a generalisation KC show are small, KC working are big, I might be wrong that's why I asked are their KC dogs out there doing the business to ground? And I am definatley not trying to start a " my dogs better than yours" with
  6. hey guys bring some pure bedlingtons from central europe, all of them re good sized, we use them for hunting under or abouve ground. two bitches in czech republick one good in Slovakia and my superb dog, i will have my own puppies in 3years.
  7. matulkoh can you tell me the breeding behind your bedlington and does he work fox to ground <{POST_SNAPBACK}> be sure he work and he work hard, his mother Aylin z Vochovny, father Dustin z Rubaniska he came from komtessa kennel
  8. yes here are some, if y wanna some picks write me mail and i find some
  9. thanks but i wanna try, i ve bedlington and planning to have more bedlingtons, i wanna have my own kennel of workin beddies, so the plummer is a test if it works ok if not nothing happen. but he can learn a lot from my akela, we will see. i even saw jgt which dot wanna work.
  10. great for hunting wild pigs and for boolhound job, but useless for hunting foxes and badgers this is a reason why i ve bedlington, he so fast that he is able to catch rabbit and he is great for all mentioned jobs. why plummers and patts are not official fci breed, they can be as good as jgt and even better. jgt are used by hunters only so why not patts and plummers? one thing to jgt, they have their own club, dog or bitch which wanna get to kennel has to have excelent mark from jgt show, excelent mark from bloodhound test, excelent mark from underground work, excelent mark from wil
  11. WHY? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> i m interested in colecting pictures of hunting dogs, i ve my own galery. ive lots of pics from hunt101 but after rebuilt there re no more <{POST_SNAPBACK}> not why about the pics,but about wanting a plummer when you've got breeds like the cesky and deusch jagdterrier on your door step ,especially the djt, only bred from certified workers i believe <{POST_SNAPBACK}> i think djt re stupid dogs, they always run away, a lots of them do not think before attack on wild pigs so every 3years you need a new dog, cesky terrier is
  12. WHY? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> i m interested in colecting pictures of hunting dogs, i ve my own galery. ive lots of pics from hunt101 but after rebuilt there re no more <{POST_SNAPBACK}> not why about the pics,but about wanting a plummer when you've got breeds like the cesky and deusch jagdterrier on your door step ,especially the djt, only bred from certified workers i believe <{POST_SNAPBACK}> i think djt re stupid dogs, they always run away, a lots of them do not think before attack on wild pigs so every 3years you need a new dog, cesky terrier is
  13. WHY? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> i m interested in colecting pictures of hunting dogs, i ve my own galery. ive lots of pics from hunt101 but after rebuilt there re no more <{POST_SNAPBACK}> not why about the pics,but about wanting a plummer when you've got breeds like the cesky and deusch jagdterrier on your door step ,especially the djt, only bred from certified workers i believe <{POST_SNAPBACK}> i think djt re stupid dogs, they always run away, a lots of them do not think before attack on wild pigs so every 3years you need a new dog, cesky terrier is
  14. WHY? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> i m interested in colecting pictures of hunting dogs, i ve my own galery. ive lots of pics from hunt101 but after rebuilt there re no more
  15. http://www.hunt101.com/showgallery.php?sty...=1&ppuser=25776 check my photos and hit back <{POST_SNAPBACK}> nice pics matulkoh good luck with your hunting <{POST_SNAPBACK}> thanks, if anybody got some hunting pics, please send some
  16. he doesn t look clean, it was in the winter so no mud in the forest, it was a badger hole, but fortunately it was emty.
  17. http://www.hunt101.com/showgallery.php?sty...=1&ppuser=25776 check my photos and hit back
  18. hard to say, i ve just one dog, but he is amazing, i heard about some beddies in czech republic, which re winning competition, and re great workers. check this link http://www.ja-staczech.unas.cz/new/cz/start.htm
  19. i m from Slovakia, i m planning to import some plummers, i m impressed by this breed, but its impossible to go on workin tests with breed which is not acepted by FCI, if you dont pass these tests y re not allowed to use a dog on oficial hunting events. same in all europe. i think it s pitty that y cant use these great dogs. still y think i m f..... if so write why check my pics in galery and write what y re thinkin of me man ps it was just suggestion
  20. I m not sure who is now head of plummer club, but please think about the idea of getting plummers official FCI breed. It ll be much more easier to spread them worldwide, and they will be allowed to go on shows but what is more important they can past workin test.
  21. great pics here, please send some on my mail, matulkoh@yahoo.co.uk, i ve my on galery, in my pc, just workin terriers. thanks
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