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Everything posted by matulkoh

  1. http://www.parson-russell-terrier.at/stupa...up/default.html
  2. just one question where y want to buy a show one which is also working one? because i think only my Akela and Babsy are pure workers with FCI pediree. only thing which i can add the the bedlingtons of these lads are more bedlingtons that the show one. y ll see that 99 percent show dogs are not anymore interested in hunting and 99,9 in digging. their bones are weaker, coat softer and no so consistent, skin is sheer, jaws weaker....................... so which one is closer to real bedlington, to standart have a look on milly, she is in my eyes 100 percent pure bedlington terrier, or y th
  3. took my beddy out for a weekend group hunting on wild boars, he worked greatly till the moment he decided to fight a boar on his own in the halfpipe full of bushes, small tries... he was badly injured, now he looks fine, after the operation, he d be out of business for a month, f..k foxes started to go underground swanseajack what s barney breeding? milly is the best bitch i ever seen
  4. great day out, superb work, my congratulation mate. for good reading
  5. great dog mate, i hope he ll work as good as he is looking
  6. http://www.parson-russell-terrier.at/fotoa...ndorf/index.htm
  7. go on www.parson-russell.at great dogs i saw them working as good as any patt, jagt, border....
  8. See you back-tracked on that issue then Matulkoh.Not so long back you stated dachshunds were doing the bizz.To be a good liar requires a better memory,pity Plummers gone as you could have talked shit for weeks .Pinnochio!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! y re right i wrote here we have some dogs able to kill badger but if i remember i never wrote that they are able to kill a huge badger underround on their own. be sure its big difference when dog faces young badger 10kg or adult one which is 16kg and more, i will not decribe what can do a creature over 20kg, y probably never saw a
  9. nice dog mate but if someone told y that fox is harder than badger i can tell y it bullshit, that badger is really small probably y never saw a huge badger dog, i try to bring some pics, in next few weeks we ll hunt badgers, when y ll see some creatures which are over 20kg then y ll tell me what is harder, and also there s a difference between 6kg patt and 10kg jagterrier be sure that really hard dog of this size is too much for any fox, its 99percent for dog 1 percent for fox, it s like to match pit bull against other breed, there s always chance to lose but very small. size, bones, head, tee
  10. nice dog mate but if someone told y that fox is harder than badger i can tell y it bullshit, that badger is really small probably y never saw a huge badger dog, i try to bring some pics, in next few weeks we ll hunt badgers, when y ll see some creatures which are over 20kg then y ll tell me what is harder, and also there s a difference between 6kg patt and 10kg jagterrier be sure that really hard dog of this size is too much for any fox, its 99percent for dog 1 percent for fox, it s like to match pit bull against other breed, there s always chance to lose but very small. size, bones, head, tee
  11. nice reading here, i dont think that the badger hunting by dogs is legal in Italy too, but i think it s the same like in Slovakia, Czech,. everybody knows that some lads do it but they do not speak about that. i preatty sure that valerio use jagterriers or welsh terriers, i do not agree that fox is enough for dog of size patt, badgers which are more than 13kg are too much for every dog, everytime when y digging a badger it s about the size of badger, inteligence of dog - not to close not to far and about y speed of digging. i d never put my dog on badger.
  12. R I P NELL sorry to hear it mate.
  13. nice pup mate, i don t understand why y go through old posts, everything what count is if y dog is working and y re satisfied, if y are y can F all, i wrote here some bullshit but i stoped. yeah we have some graet dogs same as all around the hunting world, ps nobody use welsh on bear if yes than just for feeding, if u re hunting bear y re waiting on one place, some kopovs tried but y always lose most of dogs. we have some good beddies but im sure more are in britain, if wanna good earthdog buy some old nutual black dogs or hammonds, or just something from proved stock. good hunting in new
  14. hi mate i ve got bedlingtons and they start pretty soon, at 4 months killed their first rat, at 7 months he makes his first wild pig on a group hunting, at 9 months cought and killed his first adult half wild cat at 23month killed his first fox under ground, it does not matter if its dog or bitch i d say if y work with dog they quite soon starters.
  15. mate if y decided to have one i can manage it for y, i ve got couple friends with great jags, the best way is to come here to slovakia for few days and have a look on some kennels. i think it s cheaper to take a pup on board like to send it by Cargo. http://www.jagdterrierclub.sk/
  16. 17inches? it s too much, bitches here are 36cm and dogs not more than 16, if they re, they wont be use in breeding, it s the rule of JGTclub also they have too prove they quality, noisy on animal trails, and push out the fox from artificial den or grab her neck. 15y back they have too prove theirself on badger. normal dogs is 39cm bitch 36cm average price 60pounds for pup.
  17. Any? i do not meant anaconda :11:
  18. really hard dogs sometimes too much, able to work and kill any underground creature, best dogs in serbia, hungary, Czech, Slovakia. average price for a pup arround 60pounds
  19. sorry to hear mate, remember the old good times with her, keep in sport
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