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Rabbit Hunter

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Everything posted by Rabbit Hunter

  1. Are they diggable quarry Shane or do they stick to the trees?
  2. Just how it should be, fair play Derry Lad?? It’s a nice pup Shane, hope it does the job for you.
  3. Does nobody think that we’re in the midst of a natural climate change? I mean nothing stays the same forever and what killed the dinosaurs?
  4. Currys have an offer on atm, £350 for a Canon 4000d with a 55mm lens and a 300mm lens, just got myself one, great bit of kit, literally point and shoot.
  5. Funny that, my mate was posted in Kenya for a while and said the Ebola thing was a load of shite too!
  6. Totally died a death on there, only the lurcher section has any input.
  7. They are 3rd world animals, ruled by drug production, Trump is correct in building that wall.
  8. A shovel is roughly 3 foot, so 18 “ each I’d say.
  9. I’ll have a listen to them tonight, like Rusty says, pass the time more than anything. I’ve never encountered anything big cat like before, but I’ve met 2 different keepers that said if they shot one they’d bury it and not tell a soul, just to keep the stories going?? Also my best mate and digging buddy reckons he lamped one a few years back and it jumped onto a fence and sat on it like a cat but was far bigger?? He’s sure it was a panther but who knows. It’s a small country in comparison to some and there’s never ‘concrete’ evidence, why?
  10. Is that true? I never knew that?
  11. Put this up before, might help in some way.
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