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Rabbit Hunter

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Everything posted by Rabbit Hunter

  1. Good pics and posts Marcos, but F*ck that! I get the missus to get the spiders out the bath never mind out else?
  2. I'm a 10 usually but the size 9 Haix's fit me, they also do narrow or wide fit from what I remember.
  3. Fking weirdos the lot of them, I just do not get it at all.
  4. It's a good hospital, I've a good mate who's daughter has had a few operations in the Freemans, they're top drawer by all accounts, I hope all goes well as I'm sure it will.
  5. Is there a decent priced DSLR that any one could recommend? I'm sick of normal zoom cameras jamming up with sand and dirt and stopping working.
  6. Did they end up as strong looking as they were as young pups Shane?
  7. I get annoyed with the long types of Series, I feel they really milk it and drag things out unnecessarily. Breaking Bad was like that I thought.
  8. I tried to watch that bank robber one but I found it weird and totally lost track of what was going on lol
  9. Yeah, good call, that was good too! Pumping Iron was good as was the one about the Oklahoma City bombing.
  10. Any other good series or docs on Netflix that anyone can recommend? I thought Staircase and Making a Murderer were very good.
  11. The lad that sells them has a website, sharptoothfork.co.uk
  12. Can tell he's related , same shape head. Nice old pics, how long ago were they taken?
  13. The top pic looks the double of your two young dogs Starting Out.
  14. You've been at it all these years and only just upgraded from a Deben??
  15. What you just left it there??
  16. Don't judge me by my name, I occasionally hunt rats too!
  17. I'd love to know how many people who comment on this site and try to push their false knowledge actually keep hunting dogs or even hunt at all.
  18. They make a bigger fuss of the one Muslim that was run over in London than all the other attacks. Scum from the bottom up to the top, that's what our Government are.
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