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Rabbit Hunter

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Everything posted by Rabbit Hunter

  1. The dogs always look in good condition Davo?
  2. So for the ones that are saying we are ruining the world, what do you think will be the end game or when will it come to a head and what will happen when it does?
  3. You might have more joy asking for a strong type that is bred from ratting/mooching dogs rather than digging types?
  4. Probably because on another post the OP said he wants a strong terrier to have around the yard but not to do any earth work, so to anyone who is gifting pups it would be a total waste, or at least in my eyes it would.
  5. My mate had a similar problem with wet footwells, it's where the drains in either corner of the windscreen block up with leaves etc and it overflows, clean them out and it should stop.
  6. Sorry I'm not too clued up on the coursing breeding, but I think I remember that Jack, Casper and Buddy were all out of Foxy. Jack and Buddy killed Casper if I remember right.
  7. There's a decent pic of Havoc in Darcy's Scooby book if I remember right.
  8. Felt been blown off my dog pen and we're closed at work with stuff blowing all over the place. Hate the b*****d wind!
  9. I seen the first 2 on Ebay for about £100 each a few weeks back, a decent return for the £8 they cost originally.
  10. Yeah that's it, the one with 2 blacks on is VIII (or 8 for those of us that used to skip History at school).??
  11. Last I heard he wasn't in the best of health and has no terriers.
  12. Yeah I remember him killing them, I just recall Jack killing more and being a faster dog off the slip. We used to take them out with Craig's son when we were teenagers.
  13. Yeah he did, was a decent dog too by all accounts. We used to take Casper out for Craig on local spots, he was a decent dog but Jack was more suited to the smaller land we ran, he was quicker off the mark.
  14. Got to disagree with that one Rob, the wood ones soon give way to wear and tear a lot quicker than a steel one.
  15. What camera do you use Fuji?.Them pics are crystal clear.
  16. Are the foxes you dig pushed to ground by hounds? As I'd imagine they'd rarely go to ground with it being warm most of the time?
  17. They look like good things Fuji, a lad I know knocks about with your lads, I said to him if I ever get a lurcher again I'll get him to get me one off you!?
  18. Welcome back and lovely pic, hope you have better luck this season.✌
  19. I went to the Midlands about 4 years ago and couldn't believe the size of it, was a decent turn out of terriers too. Like has been said already, the prices were a bit steep on most things.
  20. Might aswell have, the rest do. Either Mohamed or Margaret...?
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