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Rabbit Hunter

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Everything posted by Rabbit Hunter

  1. The mistake mating might have been a blessing with you losing the Sire. Good luck with them.
  2. A dog that gets the job done and adjusts his working style accordingly is good enough for me.
  3. Great pics, love the vivid colours! Something that's missed on the Samsungs I think.
  4. Taking pride in what you feed your dogs and keeping them in good condition is all part of it, it adds to the satisfaction when you get a good finished product at the end that does the job. I think that's what sets us apart from fishermen or shooters, there's more to it than just the hunting aspect.
  5. Get back Katchum, you can have the rabbiting, Stavross any terrier work send it my way!?
  6. They sell decent ones in Wickes. Not too heavy and a perfect size. They're roughly £20 from what I remember.
  7. My kids have a pet rabbit, the dogs pay it no attention whatsoever even when they're all loose relaxing in the garden. Like has been said on here before, the more you put in the more you get out. Same as you say Downsouth, I let my terriers hunt loose from the day they first go out until they're ready to be dug and I've never had any problem with dogs rabbiting.
  8. I dread to think of the amount of terriers that have been put down as being no good when in reality, it's the person holding the lead that was 'no good'.
  9. Another cause of dogs messing about is their owner encouraging them into an earth. I've lost count of the amount of times I've seen lads egging dogs on to check places, it's totally unnecessary.
  10. I need to build one of those for myself, what a man cave that is!
  11. Are they not the dog and bitch you had before the bitch you have now? Maybe 5 years ago.
  12. How did they turn out Glyn? Remember you putting pics on of them as pups.
  13. I thought it was, heard it on the radio last night.
  14. Was it not Mad Cows Disease that's been detected?
  15. No Apache a mate bred him, he's about 50% of the breeding I already keep, so will be nice to see how he turns out workwise.
  16. Thanks, these are both bitches from the same Sire.
  17. Do pics havto be stored on Icloud or is there an option so as not to be?
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