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Rabbit Hunter

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Everything posted by Rabbit Hunter

  1. Love them Zandy, real talent you have there. Get a calendar or something made up, I’m sure they’d sell well, I’d have one for certain!
  2. Where I live permission ain’t so easy to come across either mate, don’t get me wrong, we’ve hadto do some sneaking about over the years, but as the time goes by and you meet more people the land seems to come with it if you know what I mean?
  3. Fair play he sounds keen and I’m not doubting his passion at all. But what I’m trying to say is do you not think he’d have enjoyed himself a lot more over the years had it been on permission and he could enjoy the dogs working than worrying about someone turning up? PS don’t get so heated, these forums are for discussion, that’s all✌?
  4. I’m not pulling your mate down at all, as we’ve all got to jump a fence now and then. BUT if he’s constantly poached, looking over his shoulder and getting away quick as possible then IMO he’s never really enjoyed himself, never really tested the dogs and won’t know what he’s got as he never seen other people’s dogs to use as a barometer against his own. When I might have poached in my youth, it’s a case of get the dog in, get a mark ASAP, and get the dog out and away. On permission, it’s drop the dog in, have a cuppa and whatever, check for a mark etc etc, give the dog time and IMO makes for
  5. Fair play to the old girl Fireman, but we know it’s all lies.?
  6. Also what setting do you use to get the birds so clear and the background blurry as it is?
  7. Love them, fantastic pics?. Is it mainly birds you take photos of? Wouldn’t mind seeing any other pics of mammals you’ve taken, foxes, deer, badgers etc.
  8. Just seen this. I was ‘ha ha’ ing as I assumed you were being sarcastic, obviously not? What I found funny was because I’ve seen dogs be piss poor in earths and then look like world beaters in an artificial, assuming you were of the same opinion, and that’s why I found it funny. I’m no keyboard hunter or warrior, I’m out more than most throughout the season, don’t worry about that.
  9. From what I’ve read in books I didn’t think badgers were so prevalent in the areas Buck and Breay hunted at that time? And it was mainly just fox work in rocks? But as you say, it could’ve been from Plummers book that I got that from.
  10. Is it not fair to say that Buck and Breay set out to produce a fox killing terrier and the likes of the men since then Gould, Stacey, Brightmore, Nuttall progressed them into the digging terriers they are today?
  11. That’s fair enough and you’re lucky to be in the minority that had a Father that was into the terriers, but for most others(myself included) them books with interviews in with the old ‘Greats’ like the old year books are what really spurred me on.
  12. In regard to your post further back I wouldn’t say that’s true STR, there’s plenty of present terrier lads that could be named but some might not want their name mentioned on here. Looking in books when I was younger I always admired the dogs of Bill Brightmore and Ken Gould, also Harcombe’s dogs always looked well and he seemed to talk sensible and down to earth. Obviously there’s others that will say bad about the men mentioned but they’re the ones I looked up to when I began.
  13. I disagree on that Rob, would you rather there was no books? I would say the books I read about the older boys when I first started really gave me something to aim for, it’s also nice to read about old dogs and history to be down in black and white rather than lost.
  14. Now you’re talking, such men are few and far between.
  15. Ok mate different bitch, there was a bitch bred up here that was in Darcy’s books and pretty sure it was called Fly, thought it was same bitch.
  16. What’s the saying, you can please some people all of the time, all of the people some of the time but not all the people all of the time.
  17. I can see a THL group hug on the horizon.
  18. Never thought I’d see someone after a Sean Frain book?, have you tried Coch-y-Bonddu?
  19. Only used Strong Stuffs gear since he started selling them, always a decent fella to deal with and the collars outlive most dogs.
  20. As a book I think it was the turning point for genuine lurcherwork being told how it is, before it all we had was Plummer etc. I enjoyed the book and the author obviously does a bit and enjoys writing so fair play to him for having the balls to do it I say.
  21. Personally I’d feel it’s a bit unfair on a dog to work it like that, what about when it comes up against a tight spot, or a sandy spot or a rooty spot where, let’s face it, a dog with 4 legs can struggle to push and dig on through? However it’s ultimately your call HowDeep.
  22. Taking a different slant on it, for those who have dug all 3. How do the raccoon and groundhog compare to the red fox to ground?
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