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Rabbit Hunter

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Everything posted by Rabbit Hunter

  1. Of all the blacks I’ve had , I’ve only had one I felt I couldn’t trust for fighting, the rest were steady as.
  2. Glyn Jones on Ebay usually has this book for sale, have a look on there?
  3. The Pieps boxes regularly would land on the side of the dog I found. Never had the Barryvox things, couldn’t stand the noise of them. Does anyone know if Bellman plan on making a new box any time soon?
  4. Nice pups, don’t recall ever seeing whites and reds from the same litter, good luck with them.??
  5. There’s a chapter about the Dealer dog in Darcy’s 1st little terrier book. Remember the dog and his owner from the old Patt BBS and Moochers sites, going back a while now.
  6. Would think they might have released a new design by now, to correct some of the persistent faults??
  7. Does anyone know if Harcombe plans to bring the last Terrierman Diaries out? He seemed to get so far with them and then stopped.
  8. Good pics Fuji, shame they have to get old?
  9. You added some bull lately? Looks a bit stronger than the usual types you have??
  10. Could anyone show us where to buy these please? Searched ebay and tried the links provided, nothing works?
  11. The bottom one’s a thick set thing, very nice.
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