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Rabbit Hunter

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Everything posted by Rabbit Hunter

  1. Sad really AT, like has been said, all that knowledge and experience slowly disappearing, we wont see the likes of such men again.
  2. Now that’s a proper countryman AT, good to see✌?
  3. Was Tommy Dobson a celebrity of some sort in them days does anyone know? Hes seems to have been photographed an awful lot considering the era they were taken?
  4. ‘Ask yourself one question punk...’
  5. What always dumbfounds me is, it seems pretty much accepted that Breay started with the black Patterdales as we know them today. Which will have been late 50s/60s ish? At the time will have been the young Nuttall, Gould, Brightmore etc that carried it on. So why does it seem so impossible to pin what actually was crossed with what to produce the original, true to type ‘Black’ dogs of today?
  6. P3D, this is from Jocelyn Lucas’s Hunt book. I didn’t realise the term ‘Patterdale’ had been in use in them days?
  7. P3D, what year (roughly) do you think the first black terriers, as we know them today, appeared?
  8. Welcome to The Hunting Life, if you want some decent craic then you’re 15 years too late I’m afraid.??
  9. Cant be better than Line of Duty??
  10. Lovely pics Bosun, Nuttall father and son on the last pic(1970ish?)
  11. The dogs need to know their place in the pack , that’s how they see it anyway, they must have a least some fear or respect of their master or they’ll just take the piss.
  12. Don’t go there, he put up a good fight, thats all I’ll say??
  13. Is this the series on Netflix?
  14. Are they not on ITV mate?? Thanks for the heads up??
  15. I’d imagine it’s easy to look back and say Gould had a type back then, but surely the older men of that era would have looked at Gould’s dogs and said ‘can see the Stacey and Cowan (for example) stuff in them’.I don’t think a type or style of terrier is appreciated until a couple of decades have passed and you see it all come together further down the line.
  16. Why do you bother uploading them to them sites Jigsaw? It’s just as easy without them nowadays, robbing b*stards they are.
  17. Well it’s time to get a couple more then!!???
  18. Right I’m with you now mate, I thought all of Ireland was good for digging tackle. And I think they only have Sika and Fallow over there is that right? Also remember down country where you lived before is a real haven for all wildlife, up North it’s a bit more scarce. ?
  19. What do you mean Wilf? There’s not much there?
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