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Rabbit Hunter

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Everything posted by Rabbit Hunter

  1. Never had any problem with the bellman , used it for two seasons, only time there was a hickup was when we had a bitch in a deep earth and there were some electric powerlines above us and the box kept picking up three little men in the bottom corner... also some say the collars too big but i've not known it to affect the dog in any way, one of a second season dog we dig to...
  2. you've got to be joking "roystoncrankted"....i've seen both beddy and collie crosses kill foxes..plenty of times... bull crosses are the most common fox killers, but i have one and know of other saluki crosses that nail(ed) them ...
  3. sorry to hear that, i hear she was a good 'un...
  4. quality chucky, that pic of the fox looking out is a belter
  5. whens the next one due out mate?
  6. quality post mate, theres nothing in the world that beats digging down to your terrier working his quarry, hope he carries on for you mate...
  7. quality reply there pip, i think if a dog fucks about once it should always be given a second chance as we dont know whats going on underground, all dogs have bad days. going back to the first post, i think a worker is born, whether it has easy digs to start off or hard digs, i think the main quality needed is stubborness, pure and simple, a terrier should just want to stay with his quarry no matter what, i have a patterdale here, hes no world beater but i get the tackle with him, ive had a few good digs with him, on easy and hard quarry, hes been quite a reliable young dog(so far), hes f*
  8. in my eyes a litter should only be bred if the lad who owns the bitch is wanting a pup or two for himself, i think as soon as you start having litters and selling all the pups you become a peddler, also it questions why the person doesnt want to keep a pup, maybe the parents aren't up to scratch?IMHO... this applies to both lurchers and terriers but most importantly terriers as people should have standards based on earthwork, however with lurchers some people strive for coursing dogs whereas others look for a deer dog etc etc...like i say, only my opinion...
  9. wel this goes to anyone then, why write something on a forum just to delete it?
  10. ripstop, why do you delete most of the things youve wrote?
  11. IMO dogs that are going to be getting used for digging should be kept well away from bunnies...they're a terriermans worst nightmare...
  12. ive got that one...i reckon it's the best one available...
  13. id hate to think how many wounded badgers would suffer a long death from a wrongly placed bullet, and yet id hate to be a badger gagging on gas as it takes it's life away ? if i was a badger and knew my time was up i would much rather lay down in my bed of grass with some terrier baying at me,and pissing me off a bit and then get a slug between my eyes at close range. its the most human and fair way they could go
  14. nice set up tomo...how much was the heat lamp...i imagine its ideal for the lurcher/terrier after a hard day's work...
  15. accidents like that can happen,,,especially if the gun is waiting for a bolt,,,get her to the vets mate,,,
  16. Hopefully this will stop the stupid badger laws, one terrier to ground and digging to them is the most humane method...from what i've heard anyway...
  17. got a saluki x greyhound/whippet here 2 1/2 year old...does everyhting required of him day and night...pm if you're interested mate...
  18. she looks a nice ,strong thing axle...well capable of dealing with game i presume... good luck finding a good working home for her...
  19. any info on the dog...has it done out...whats it working style...hows it bred...
  20. yeah she was a nice strong thing from when i saw her...like stevo said at tleast she went to a good home before she died...
  21. nice one lads...willow seems a good bitch... has 'dutch' done out yet butler?...
  22. good post witton...i have a saluki/greyhound that will tackle most things on the lamp and has the speed and stamina to do so....however i'm gonna try a bull/grey for my next lurcher as i like their determination...
  23. it's hard enough to breed workers...f**k what they look like...
  24. 'breed workers hoping for a good looker...not good lookers hoping for a worker'...
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