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Rabbit Hunter

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Everything posted by Rabbit Hunter

  1. Kenny Snr, what a character!??
  2. I read somewhere a few years ago that once the hunting ban failed to stop hunting in the way they hoped, that they would push from the animal cruelty side so they could get at the hunting community from both ways. Does anyone think this will deter anybody?
  3. It’s nearly 2 years old that article I think Glyn.
  4. As long as a dog was a worker an undershot jaw wouldnt bother me in the slightest.
  5. I’ve a dog here the exact same stamp as that except he’s black.
  6. Sure that wasn’t the Pitbull one more recently?
  7. It’s in one of the old Yearbooks too.
  8. Are you sure they never got out themselves Andy? Or that the kids maybe took them? Seems odd that they would just turn up so close.
  9. It was an old Cooke Report episode I think, it might be on Youtube.
  10. I apologise then, I don’t know anything about that particular hunt, just thought it seemed a bit odd to only invite Pro Terriermen. I haven’t mentioned your huntsman? I was talking in general of some hunts Ive been out with.
  11. I really hope you’re going to enlighten us on what’s happened Andy, some shithouse around you has obviously seen all this.
  12. Whoever you’re gut feeling is , that’s who it is.
  13. I’ll pass the word about this way, not too far away.
  14. Agreed, it’s targeted, otherwise they’d take the lot.
  15. Professional terriermen only? F*ck me I thought the men in red coats looked down their toffee noses at us ‘mere amateurs’ enough without fellow terrier owners doing the same?
  16. If it was just black and white, then yes he was over the top, man handling the woman. BUT this was a protester in a private dinner and I’m pretty sure they’re sick to the back teeth of them, similar to how Hunts feel about Sabs. So he lost his rag and marched her out. And he was always going to use the excuse that he thought she was armed, because after all, she could well have been. My personal opinion is he’s done nothing wrong and should’ve kicked her up the arse for good measure.
  17. Very similar Rob, probably some of the same blood if you go back a couple of generations. ??
  18. The last two comments seem harsh but are true, most problems in terriers can be solved by more time and socialisation out and about. I’ve even been out over the years with lads that bring a terrier hoping to get it entered and the bloody thing has never been on a lead before! Figure that one out.????
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