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About liongeorge

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday September 20

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  • Location
    Hampshire wilts border

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  1. Thanks guys, all in together now. A few scuffles early on ...mainly jills bullying the hobs! All very settled now. Everyone has more room and a better social life!
  2. I've kept ferrets for around 20 years and always ket my hobs a jills seperate. I now want to reorganise their runs and put them next to eachother and was thinking of just joining the two runs. I have 4 jills and 3 hobs. The hobs are 1 vasectomised and two neutered so I would expect the vasectomised hob to serve the jills as and when in spring. Or will this just cause agro fighting or constant harrasment of the jills?
  3. Well done souinds like a memorable day!
  4. CSJ sounds good but can't find it anywhere?? BTW I feed raw in winter but not through the summer except if I have an old timer with bad teeth.
  5. So have always fed James Wellbeloved in the past but both local suppliers have stopped stocking . What with lock down think I'll be ordering online . I am a bit out of touch having not bought anything else for years .....is there a better food out there? I think I tried ferret feast once and they seemed not to like it and were v thirsty. Or should I stick to James Welbeloved?
  6. I took the dog for a walk on some of my ground that has a fair few rabbits about the other day. He found two what looked like perfectly healthy young rabbits on the top of the ground dead. I would have thought that if they had been predated they would have been eaten....they were completely untouched and looked in good health. Another small farm I go on a few miles away always used to be humping with rabbits , a year ago it was nothing to see over a hundred on the place. Now I'm lucky if I see 5. Would either of these signs point to VHD? Have any of you guys found similar situatio
  7. Mine tend to have phantom pregnancies after my vasectomised hob goes over them. Lots of nesting and dragging each other around.
  8. Might get one and put him with jills till he's grown up and the lad is out of season. Might get mothered to death tho!
  9. What test? How do you vvank off a ferret? first of all you have to scruff the hob and drag him around whilst pinching the neck,then i find it helps to rub his balls to relax him.don't rush straight in but very gently hold his helmet between your thumb and fore finger and move back and forward,increasing the pace.don't stop and start otherwise he might get fustrated.after a few minutes his eye's will roll back and he'll leave a deposit in your palm. hope this helps.
  10. Sad to say after perking up for a time took a rapid turn for the worst. Booked vet for this morning but died yesterday Gutted. Sure it was kidney failure. Will I be able to introduce a hob kit in with my vasectomised hob or will he batter him?
  11. Still not right at all after a week on antibiotics. Pretty much the same ....has lost a bit more weight, still got the shits have been feeding him mince , chicken etc. He has a bowl of water. Still wobly and has no energy. Will take him back to the vets after weekend if no improvement. Think it will be a one way trip. Only thing that all his symptoms match is kidney failure....no cure.
  12. Don't worry guys .....haven't given him milk Got the anti biotics in tho thanks to Joe14s idea of olive oil but went the extra mile and coated it in butter for extra lube and to seal in foul flavour worked a treat. He is unfortunately just the same but the antibiotics have not had a chance to do their thing yet. Arry's website is brilliant....but the only symptom that fit is renal (kidney)failure which is not good but may be sorted with antibiotics so fingers crossed.
  13. Can't be bone as he hasn't had any raw food for months. The vet quoted £250 for tests then still might not sort him.
  14. They're not fool proof and there is a wealth of experience on here that might be helpful. I'm down South and they don't get to see alot of Ferrets.
  15. Wow mine had 11 last year and she wasn't that big! Any news yet?
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